I watch 'How Applejack Won the War' (I'm too tired for a creative title, okay?)

182 1 33

Dare (by DerpyDragon988): Could you 'Please' watch 'How Applejack Won the War' like watch the... Uh what's it called... UHA the video/animation and listen to it.

Uuuuggggghhh *Gallus was laying down on his bed, all stretched, looking as exhausted as he was* Do I REALLY have to do this right now? I just want to sleep! To sleep and to not wake up until...until next week! 

Rosy Star: THIS is what you get for eating half of my birthday cake! And for getting hyper TWICE last week! At least Silverstream only had to put up with you mildly hyper after the last chapter. But yesterday, you went CRAZY!

It was an act of rebellion! An act of rebellion for keeping chocolate away from me!

Rosy Star: An act of rebellion that made you look like a lunatic <.<

Oh, whatever! All ponies are crazy anyway! Except for Sandbar, for some reason. But he can be crazy with the right push. *he yawned a bit, blinked, then looked at Rosy* ....So, uh...what was the dare again? 

Rosy Star: *looking a bit unamused* You have to watch a video called 'How Applejack Won the War'

*groans loudly* Seriously?! I don't want to watch a fucking documentary as a dare!

Rosy Star: It's not a documentary, you silly catbird. It's a music video. Or do you seriously expect DISCORD, of all creatures, to make you watch a documentary?

Oh, heh. *looks a bit sheepish* I guess that's a good point...for you. 

Rosy Star: *rolls her eyes* Aren't you going to search for the video? 

I'm too tired for that! *he stretched a bit, then yawned* You search for it. I can't barely even lift up my arms..

Rosy Star: Hmph, fine >:c *she searches for the video on Youtube* I'm assuming Discord wants you to see the first video that pops up in this search. This one. 

What, you GUESS? You don't even know what he's referring to?

Rosy Star: No, I've never watched this video before. 

Will you EVER stop living under a rock, Rosy?

Rosy Star: *she was sitting next to him, to watch the video with him* Says the griffon who barely knows anything media related!

*he's too tired to protest against her sitting next to him* Hey, I lived in Griffonstone. You're the one who doesn't have an excuse... *he sat up to watch the video, but he immediately yawned* Just play the video so that I can go to sleep already, will ya?

*So Rosy Star pressed play on the video. Gallus paid attention by the first minute, but afterwards his eyes started to close, his head leaning back as he seemed asleep. The video ends two minutes later*

Rosy Star: Huh, I wonder why did I never listen to this song before. It sounds like it's from Friendship is Witchcraft, and that was literally being in the fandom when I was eleven or twelve!

*Gallus didn't hear anything, since he fell asleep*

Rosy Star: Gallus! *she shakes him* Wake up! Did you seriously not see the video?!

*he jumps slightly once he's woken up* H-Huh? Wha--? *groans a bit* Oh, why didn't you let me sleep? I could've dreamed that you didn't exist, and that would've been great!

Rosy Star: Really Gallus? -.- You can't even do THIS dare? It has to be the easiest you've gotten! The video was only three minutes long! Literally three minutes! 

What dare...? *his gaze lingered to Rosy's laptop screen* Oh, right. The uh... *squints* the video of Professor Applejack being in a war and singing about it. 

Rosy Star: You didn't watch any of it, did you?!

Yeah I did! I....I watched uh...Professor Applejack being all, you know, happy that she's in a war for some reason. And I think Gabby's friends were in that video...did I really need to see anything else? 

Rosy Star: You missed the part where Professor Applejack says she committed war crimes. And got super sadistic on killing other ponies.

Which would've been WAY more interesting....if it actually happened...and I believed it for at least a second. *his eyes would drift to close as he spoke, so he laid down on the couch* Sounds fun, I guess. But the song's not...interesting enough....to keep me awake at least. I like songs that....that are more...*he drifted to falling asleep again* 

Rosy Star: Unbelievable. *huffs* Hopefully Discord doesn't get mad that Gallus technically didn't do the dare....or make a proper outro for the chapter. Well, guess that's up to me now. Uhhh...good day everyone! Since I don't really know everyone's timezones. Enjoy watching the video for yourselves if you want....And I'd gladly appreciate if you could make a generous donation by giving me a birthday gift that replaces the half of my cake Gallus ate.. *she gets all dramatic and cute as she says that, putting a hoof in her heart, and waving with the other hoof seconds later* Bye~! :3

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