Question for Sandbar, Ocellus, Yona, and Smolder - Their Elements of Harmony

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Question (by LiannaBunny777): If you guys were the Elements of Harmony, which element would you be and what?

Ocellus: Finally an interesting question. I was worried we wouldn't get any! ;u; Though, um, no offense, but I think your question should be 'which element would you be and WHY'.

Sandbar: Woah, there's like, a lot of ways we can answer this! From what element we want to be, to what element we THINK we'll be...and didn't the Tree of Harmony make us glow like the elements?

Ocellus: From the way they worded it, they seem to want our opinion. 

Sandbar: Who wants to answer to our radical readers first~?

Yona: Yaks always first! *grin* Yona told I'm element of honesty, but Yona prefer element of loyalty! Yona love to be loyal to friends and to Yakyakistan! Yona like element of laughter, too! 

Smolder: Tough luck on that last one. That's definitely Silverstream's element.

Ocellus: She IS more optimistic than any of us. *smiles admiringly* 

Smolder: It's as obvious as Ocellus being the element of magic.

Sandbar: True. From everyone, you're the most magical, Ocellus! 

Ocellus: Hehe, yeah. If I could be an element that covers my personality, though...I'd love to be the element of generosity....I'd love to be generous after how much I'd take as a bad changeling *looks down*

Yona: Changeling not feel more shame! Changeling very different now!

Smolder: Yeah, Ocellus. We've talked about this already! You've changed A LOT! We know how sickeningly sweet you are now. *smiles to Ocellus sweetly and nudges her* Besides, if you're the element of magic, you're the element of friendship, too.

Ocellus: *giggles softly* I guess you're right...well, what element do you think you are, Smolder?

Smolder: Well, magic, laughter, and loyalty seem to be off the list...and kindness is totally not MY department. Or generosity, either. So..I guess honesty. 

Sandbar: You GUESS?? You're the most brutally honest person we know!!

Smolder: *chuckles* I'd suggest Gallus is brutally honest too...but I won't. That guy lies EVERYDAY! Every single day! I don't know how does he answer questions, when so many of his answers could not be true!!

Yona: Griffon forced to do book! Griffon not do out of own want!

Sandbar: Hey, leave the grump aside, I still haven't answered! *chuckles* As for me, I would love to be ANY element of Harmony! All of them are awesome! I've admired our professors and the elements since I was young! And so have my parents, really. But if had to pick just one, yeah, I'd pick kindness. I don't think any of the other elements are complete without a little bit of kindness. 

Yona: Sandbar give good answer!

Smolder: that leaves the GRIFFON with generosity? Ha, now that's ironic!!

Yona: Gallus is best generous griffon! Gallus gave us candy last Hearts Hooves Day!

Sandbar: Hearts AND Hooves Day, Yona. But, yeah, Gallus is pretty generous for griffon standards. He's even told me he doesn't want to be greedy, because he's seen griffons be miserable because of their greediness. 

Ocellus: That's true. *giggles* If Gallus was like other griffons, he'd be charging bits to anyone who asks him something or gives him a dare here!

Smolder: *laughs a bit* Good point!

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