Our regrets... (And by our, we're not counting Gallus...he stormed off)

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Question (by TorchTorque): What is the biggest regret of your life?

*gives a death stare, then shakes his head* Nope. No! Nononono! I'm out of here!

Sandbar: *concerned look* What are you freaking out about, dude?

I had to answer this damn question already. Barely anyone read it or seemed to care, but that's not my fault! I'm not answering this question again! If you need me, I'll be counting my bits to see if I can buy myself some ice cream, or go to Sugarcube Corner. I could use a little bit of sugar. *groans a bit as he flies off*

Yona: *frowns* Griffon seem really mad...

Sandbar: ...So, who wants to answer first?

Ocellus: *already looking emotional* N-Not me.

Sandbar: Y-Yeah, me neither. I don't think I have my answer yet. I mean, sure, I have my regrets. But I don't know which is my biggest

Smolder: *sighs* ....I wish I had been a better sister before.

Sandbar: *eyes widen a bit* Smolder, why would you think that?

Yona: Smolder travel to Dragon Land for sad brother before! Smolder great sister! 

Smolder: I still could've been better. *scowls* I should've done something to stop Garble from turning into a bullying jerk. I thought he was nothing but a big, soft marshmallow, and then years later I find out he'd pick on Spike! And I have random creatures criticizing Garble to my face! *crosses her arms tightly, frowning as she looks down* I just feel like I could've done more...

Sandbar: At least now Garble is trying to change, right? *gives a sweet but worried look*

Smolder: *rolls her eyes* Garble is five years older than me. He should've changed a lot time ago! ...But what was he supposed to know? His biggest guidance came from meatheaded dragon bullies who think they're hot shit....He didn't even get good guidance from Mom and Dad... I thought I was his biggest guidance for the longest time. I was an idiot for thinking that. *grumbles* 

Sandbar: *pats Smolder on the back, then looks around to Yona and Ocellus as well* When this chapter is done with, we're definitely gonna have a sharing circle!

Smolder: ...I will only accept that if we go to Sugarcube Corner with Gallus. If I have to get in a "sharing circle", I'm gonna need a good milkshake for it.

Sandbar: *gives a nod* Deal!

Yona: Yona want turn to say biggest regret now... *looks at Sandbar* Yona still regret Yona's big mess in Amity Ball. 

Sandbar: *gives a sympathetic frown* Awww, Yona, I don't want you to regret that...

Yona: Yona still do! And Yona not just regret because of embarrassment. Yona could have given Sandbar perfect time without dress and wig! Yona wanted to fit in, and Yona stuck out more instead!

Smolder: Eh, I would've dropped the weird Rarity voice if I were you, but I get what you mean.

Yona: *with a sad look* Sandbar deserved perfect Amity Ball..!

Sandbar: *looks at her sweetly* Come on, Yona. What matters is that everything worked out in the end....And we did get closer after it, too, heh...

Yona: *gives a small smile* Sandbar right with that...

Sandbar: Besides, I'm probably to blame too...M-Maybe I made us go too fast?

Yona: No! Yona not want Sandbar to regret asking Yona to dance! Sandbar asking meant lots to Yona!

Sandbar: *looks down and blushes* I'm not saying I regret it...I just don't want you to just blame yourself on what happened. 

Smolder: *suddenly interrupting* Alright, look! Your little moment here is sweet and all, but can we move on? Don't make me gag at your sappiness like Gallus does! 

Yona: *smiles a bit sheepishly* Yes, Sandbar need to say big regret too. 

Sandbar: *plays with mane a bit* Uh, well, the worst I can think of for my worst regret is...I probably should've gotten a chocolate cake instead of a vanilla one in my 13th birthday....The chocolate one looked so good!

Smolder: Geesh, Gallus is right. You really are Mr. First World Problems!

Yona: *chuckles* Yona glad Sandbar not have bigger regret!

Sandbar: Heh, yeah. I feel bad you two have such sad regrets. *looks over at Ocellus* Speaking of which...you've been more quiet than usual, Ocellus. Are you okay? *gives a concerned look*

Ocellus: N-No....n-not really....*sighs* I-I just....I-I'm still so ashamed about...m-my past....Th-The times where I'd....be a bad changeling, take love from others...B-Be so selfish a-and m-mean...*her voice cracks, and slowly starts to cry* I-I wish I could undo all of it!

Yona: *gasps a bit* Yona not want Ocellus to cry! *quickly hugs Ocellus with Sandbar*

Smolder: *growls* Torch is gonna PAY for making you cry! Who does she think she is, asking us a question like that?!

Sandbar: Smolder, chillax! I'm sure Torch didn't mean for this to happen..!

Smolder: She asked OCELLUS what her biggest regret is! She should've known that this would happen!

Ocellus: I-It's fine, Sm-Smolder. D-Don't be m-mad at her. *sniffs* I-It's not Torch's fault that I'm sensitive...I-I'm sorry, I know I cry too easily. 

Smolder: Hmph, I don't think YOU need to apologize, Cell. *joins in on hugging her*

Sandbar: *sighs a bit* To our radical readers, we'll see you all next time...hopefully with a not so sad chapter. 

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