I listen to songs by sadistic, vengeful ink cartoons

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Dare (by fnafdemon): Gallus, I dare you to react to Build Our Machine, Gospel of Dismay, and Instruments of Cyanide by DAGames.

*sighs a bit* Ugh, another one of these 'react to' dares. To this day they are the dares I most get. From what I searched up, it seems like I just have to react to some songs, and at least I like to talk about music. But I wouldn't be surprised if this chapter is more boring for you to read than it is for me to do. At least the last two times I reacted to the songs, I knew who was 'supposedly' singing those fan songs. And that fan-made Real Pink Pony song was wild, to say the least. This dare just makes me feel like I'm now being forced to...review music, which sounds pretty ridiculous. You guys know you don't need MY approval to like whatever you wanna like, right? Whatever, at least this might be a shorter chapter for a change, and maybe the songs are good. 

I'm assuming these are indie songs, with titles as dramatic as those. "Build Our Machine", "Gospel of Dismay", "Instruments of Cyanide". They sound like the names you give to a gothic, suspenseful book series with long, boring descriptions and only 20% of action. Were they made by that Youtuber DAGames? If so, I hope his songs are interesting and that he enjoys this advertising he doesn't know about. *searches up the Build Our Machine" video on Rosy Star's laptop* 

*squints* Hang on....I recognize that face from...something. Wasn't it plastered around the Internet a little while ago? *looks at Rosy Star, who was checking her phone but sitting next to him* You recognize this character, don't you?

Rosy Star: Hmm? *looks at the thumbnail* Oh, yeah, he's from Bendy and the Ink Machine. That was a retro, sort of gothic-looking game that became very popular...last year, I believe. I never played it, but it was definitely a phenomenon for a while. 

No wonder he looks and sounds familiar. *looks at the thumbnail of the video again* Let's see if this Bendy game song is actually any good then. Not like I have any choice. *plays the video, and the song plays*

((I'm gonna put the lyrics in bold and italics so that no one gets confused and thinks Gallus is singing, just fyi x3))

They have sent you a letter

To come back home to play

But to your dismay, this isn't your day

For the happy fun time has begun to fade

Watch as we reanimate

Our corpses you abandoned

We're dismantled, we're mishandled

But we won't be skipped and swayed

Trapped within these walls, you left our souls to drip away

The ink decays, the walls at bay

But the reckoning has come today

Well, I have no idea if this song is loyal to the game it's from or not, but the idea is pretty interesting. It's about these cartoon characters who want to take revenge on their creator for abandoning them and not doing anything with them. That should be enough to give any procrastinating, aspiring writer or cartoonist nightmares. So far it's promising, and the background music isn't bad.

I am alive, immortalized
You're the creator, you traitor
There's no vaccine, to cure your dirty needs!
For now you must build up Our Machine!
You DIE tonight!!

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