Fine, let's make this chapter all about YOU

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Question (by fnafdemon): Ask for both: Which one of my dares is the best and the worst?

Rosy Star: For any new readers we may possibly have, the asker means that both Gallus and I should answer! Gallus can answer from his perspective of doing the dares, and I can judge the dares more objectively. 

Well, the only dare I remember the asker giving me was the one for the 100th chapter contest on here. And I remember exactly because it was your worst for me to do! After I did it I spent hours later on my bed feeling like shit, and an hour later in the bathroom, also feeling like shit! The only good thing that came out of that dare is that now everycreature knows not to dare me to eat spicy food again. And that's just me being generous on saying something nice about it. *groans, then looks at Rosy Star* What other dares has this guy given me? I doubt they've been a lot. 

Rosy Star: *starts to look on her phone* Let's see here...Ryan dared you to watch those Elements of Insanity videos. He also dared you to do the Impossible Quiz, to read his original book...and yeah, that's all been it. 

Hah, I knew he didn't dare me that much! 'Cause I know which usernames I see the most on here. Anyway, I'd say I liked watching the Elements of Insanity videos the most. I like two of the three videos I got to watch, at least. 

Rosy Star: Objectively, I feel like daring someone to read your original book, that has no connection to anything about THEIR lives, to be pure advertising. I'd say that dare would be your worst in that regard. On another note, I thought the Impossible Quiz dare was your best idea! *snickers* Just the game's title makes it perfect dare bait.

Yeah, no kidding. Well, you've got your answer now on this. If there's anything I like from getting questions, is that the chapters are A LOT easier to do than the chapters for dares. 

Rosy Star: *grinning* Thank you so much for asking us! And feel free to leave more asks and dares for Gallus, since that's the last question we had to get to! And with this chapter being shorter, we'll be able to update for a next one more quickly. I'm sure we can have a chapter for tomorrow!

Wh--Dammit Rosy! *looking annoyed* That's exactly why I didn't want you to SAY anything!! Can you literally give me a break?!

Rosy Star: *cute little smirk* Sorry not sorry~!

Hmph. *gives an annoyed pout back*

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