I can't think of a witty way to tell you that YOU NEED TO READ THIS CHAPTER

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Alright, loyal fanbase of stalkers, listen up closely, because THIS is an IMPORTANT chapter. Why? Well, how can it not be? I'm not starting off with a question or a dare. I actually want to TALK to you guys.

I have been turning dares down here and there, and the reason is...actually, there's two reasons. For one thing, I am very angry at my annoying "assistant" Rosy Star, because, get this, my professors actually don't seem to know who she is, and she forced me to do this ask and dare book for NOTHING!! 

Rosy Star: But GALLUUUUUUS! I'm sure your professors WANT you to do this ask and dare book business!


Ehem, anyway, I would LOVE to ditch this stupid ask and dare book and actually be FREE AGAIN. I would LOVE to.

Rosy Star: Buuuuut you won't because you understand that if you did you'd break a lot of people's hearts? <:D 

....Ugh, yeah, that's why I don't stop this stupid thing....And honestly, it hasn't been all that bad? Personal questions are one in a million, I get to do some awesome dares, I love what all of this attention does to my ego....and well.......I-I can't trust Silverstream to be good on her own while she's surrounded by crazy creatures here. Not that I don't think she can defend herself, but--

Rosy Star: Buuuuuuuuuut~ if it wasn't for this site you two wouldn't be together, so it has sentimental value~

Sh-Shut up already!!! *blushes hard* Ugh, I please you and you STILL annoy and embarrass me!

Rosy Star: *giggles* Alright, alright, the rest of the chapter is yours. 

THANK YOU. Okay, here's the important part, I will be adding some rules. Like I said, I rejected some dares here and there, and just in case those dares repeat, I think I need to make some things clear. 

First off, I won't accept ANY dares that intervene with anyone else's love life. Don't ask ME, of all freaking people, to try and pair up your precious OTP. This stands for pairing up ANYONE. From people I hardly know, to my closest friends. Not only do I find that lovey-dovey stuff gross, but I wouldn't want people messing with MY love life, so I'm not going to mess with anyone else's. I don't care if you think your OTP is "totally in love". If they are, that's their business and none of mine!

And uh...well, to tie this second rule with my first one, I don't want you guys intervening with MY love life either. (Which I still can't believe I have after almost 3 weeks). Silverstream and I are taking things SLOW, and that's how I like it! So if you think you can just dare me to....to KISS her and whatever else you want me to do with her, yeah, buzz off!! I-If that ever happens, it should be OUR decision! ...And we should be alone where no one else can eavesdrop. *blushes again* 

And uh, yeah, that's it. I'll be adding these rules to the first page so that new readers can see them, but old readers need to see this just as much, before they get any ideas.

After a dare here and there is dealt with, I plan to make another chapter to give some very great news~ So this won't be the last time you'll get me just talking to you guys. Stay on the look out. 

And seriously read my rules, it takes less than 5 minutes!! You lazy bums. 

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