I swear, I tried to make this not sound cheesy

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Question (by -_silverstream_-): I won't get offended! Who's your bestest friend out of me, Sandbar, Yona, Ocellus, and Smolder?

Honestly, I really don't think I can choose a favorite between you guys. And no, I'm not just saying that to not fuel the shippers...I actually mean it. I mean, sure, I guess I'm closer to some of you than others, and spend more time with say, Smolder than with Ocellus. And you guys are all so different, I will feel differently with each one of you...but at the end of the day...You know, I have to admit that you are all very important to me. You all make me feel just as happy and just as lucky, so, that's why I can't choose a favorite. I can't say I have a bestest friend from you guys. 

....Geesh, so much for only having one chapter that gets cheesy. I'm NOT soft or turning soft, got it?!

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