This might sound weird, but you should all appreciate your mouths

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Dare (by zoecolosky003): I also have another dare, but it's for Rosy Star. I dare her to *Starts to giggle a bit* Put that no talking spell on you again and play charades with your friends and teachers!

Rosy Star: Awww, thank you for the da--!


Rosy Star: Gallus, you know dares aren't turned down unless they don't align with our rules! 

I'm not saying no to that. I'm saying no to you getting dares too, if they're going to target me!! I want to make a rule against that!!

Rosy Star: Well, you can't, because I won't let you! *mean grin*

I hate you! >.> And I'll hate you until the day I die!

Rosy Star: *pouts* Are you seriously still grumpy about not getting chocolate last Sunday? It's almost going to be a week!

Well you know what? Yes, I'm still grumpy about that! SERIOUSLY, it was NOT cool that I didn't get any chocolate! Not cool at all!

Rosy Star: It's not...until you consider how hyper you got last time. 

Wh--H-How do YOU know about that??!!

Rosy Star: Sandbar told me. To let me know that I shouldn't give you any candy so that you stay in check. 

Hmph, tattle-telling sure I can't make that prank Sandbar dare come faster?

Rosy Star: Nope! Now, ZIP IT! >:D *she puts the same spell she put on Gallus in chapter 56--the spell that Trixie put on Pinkie Pie to 'delete her mouth', but only making Gallus's mouth disappear, not his beak*

*his beak is mouth-less, and he tries to grumble in annoyance, the most he can without a mouth anyway*

Rosy Star: Now remember, you're going to tell everyone that I put a spell on you to get rid of your mouth for a dare. And then you tell Twilight to give you your mouth back. That's all! *snickers* Have fun! 

*he gives Rosy a mean death glare, before he leaves to find his friends*

*Sandbar, Yona, Smolder, and Ocellus were all calmly hanging out. Gallus comes in, looking angry, but obviously not saying anything* 

Smolder: Hey Gallus! ...What's got you looking so angry? You look angrier than Ember!

Yona: *frowns* Why griffon so upset?

Sandbar: *he's the first one to notice his lack of mouth, and he frowns as he does so* Gallus, what happened to your mouth? ...Did Rosy finally get back at you for being so mean to her?


Smolder: He wants to cuss you out, Sandbar. 

Sandbar: What did I do?! *cute pout*

Ocellus: *worried, sympathetic look* Gallus, what happened? 

Hmmmmpphmmm... *he tries to think of how to explain what happened to him with charades, and when he does, he starts by taking a rose and showing it to his friends*

Yona: Griffon showing rose...why griffon showing rose?

Ocellus: He's trying to tell us what happened with charades, I think.

*he nods, and then he points at the stars*

Sandbar: That's...the sky.

*annoyed look, as he starts to act out something blinking with his talon, closing it and opening it*

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