Dare by Smolder - Wear a Pink Dress and Makeup

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Dare (by Gypsy-Girl-727): Well then, I dare Smolder to wear a cute pink dress, and make-up!

Sandbar: Hey there, radical readers~! Ooh, that sounds good, I should tell Gallus to call you that--Anyway! So, we've been waiting for a few minutes for Smolder to do her dare. Supposedly, Rosy's doing her makeup...I don't know why is she taking so long. 

Ocellus: *giggles* Maybe Smolder does want to look pretty!!

Yona: Yona wouldn't guess! Smolder angry when Tsunami dare her again with makeup! *snickers* 

*Meanwhile, inside Smolder's room, Rosy Star wasn't there at all....Smolder was doing her makeup herself~

Smolder: *she grinned as she did flawless eyeliner on herself* Ugh, I so wish I could do this more often... *her face had red lipstick, purple eyeshadow, and blush* 


Smolder: Shit. *she finishes up on her eyeliner, then looks at herself in the mirror real quick, trying to work on an angry face. She comes out with the same angry face, pretending to hate what she was wearing* Alright, fine, I'm here!! UGH!!! You know, I knew this would be humiliating, but *gestures to herself* wearing the same dress made for Gallus is something else!!! -_-

Sandbar: *amused smile* It's what you get for making fun of Gallus almost a month ago, clearly.

Smolder: We ALL made fun of him! He looked ridiculous, and the dress is so not him!! 

Ocellus: She's right on that. *giggles more* You look so pretty, Smolder!! The dress looks better on you~!

Smolder: Hmph, dragons aren't supposed to be pretty!!

Yona: Smolder is prettiest dragon in Gallus dress!! Though Gallus dress too long. 

Smolder: *grumbles* Well, what did you expect? He's pretty tall when he's in two legs. 

Sandbar: I'm more surprised that it fit you, width wise. I figured he was skinnier than you....eh, no offense. *sheepish smile*

Smolder: Offense taken!! *annoyed pout...then looks at herself in the dress* I'm just surprised my tail fit inside. Gallus's tail hole is really small, so. 

Yona: Yona not surprised! Griffon have big butt!!

Smolder: ...*starts snickering* Oh yeah, he does!! Compared to us, at least. *laughs* He's a fatass!!

Ocellus: *horrified look* Smolder! You can't say that! ono

Sandbar: Well, it's true....but you shouldn't say it!!

Yona: *starts giggling uncontrollably* 

Smolder: *laughs a bit more, then stops* THIS is a great ending for the chapter. Now, if you excuse me, I need to take off this stupid dress!!

Sandbar: ...Wait a minute, don't tell me Rosy wrote all of this. Rosy, leave that last part out! Don't make our radical readers read it!!


Sandbar: ROSY NO!!! 

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