My complicated feelings against this weird and...not so stupid internet book

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Question (by Dylan-Has-No-Life): Do you enjoy doing this book after so long? Even a little? ;)

...I should've expected this question sooner or later. I really should've. feelings towards this weird internet book are now pretty complicated. I still don't like having to put up with questions I don't want to answer and dares that are either humiliating or boring to do. But uh, the times have changed for me to doing this weird book? Sometimes?

There's a few changes that have made me appreciate this book more. One of them is that, around the end of last year and at the beginning of this year, I started to get less readers that wanted me to suffer, and more readers that are fans of me and just wanted a chance to talk to me. It's made me actually have some decent bonds with users as of late. I remember there was a time where I had to deal with annoying readers who would insult me, entirely to get a rise out of me, and who seemed to only like this book when it would make me uncomfortable or pissed. But those users have calmed down, or apologized, and I've met some decent, cool creatures here. Having generous creatures give me baked treats and support in these chapters definitely makes this experience better, even if it's after a question I didn't want to answer or after a dare that was a pain in the ass to do. 

But don't get me wrong, I don't completely like working on this book. I've only been enjoying working on it lately because Rosy is rushing me less and is letting me go at my own pace, as well as the fact that there's a pandemic keeping me cooped up in my room! Yeah, the pandemic has made working on this book change from being an annoying chore, to a chore I don't mind doing as much because I don't have anything better to do. I know I can admit that without you guys saying *uses a more squeaky voice* "Aww gee, Covid made Gallus like his internet book more! Thank Celestia for Covid!". *talks in his own voice* Yeah, no. I'm sure you're just as tired and exasperated by Covid as I am!

I think I will always have a bit of a grudge towards this book. There's been more recent good memories that I appreciate, but there are still so many bad memories here, a lot of which were read over and over! And you know me, I hold mean grudges. Bad memories stay on my brain on a seemingly endless loop. Between the humiliating dares, the invasive questions, the times I've felt used with an advertising dare or with Rosy Star, the annoying people insulting me for attention, the times the book has come in between my relationships, the times I've been forced to remember my awful's all too much. 

Even if I've warmed up to doing this book, I will always see it as a weird, dumb experience where I've done a lot of dumb things, most of the time by force, and met some dumb creatures....I can't really imagine appreciating this book even if it DID get easier to work with. The thought of saying out loud the things I like and appreciate about this book, is uh.....weirdly wrong to me? It gives the same awkward feeling as being forced to admit you were wrong or forced to admit something that's kind of a secret...

Rosy Star: *pops in, with a playful smile* Well, that's another thing I can add to my list of 'Reasons Gallus is a tsundere!' >:D

*jumps a bit as Rosy Star suddenly pops in, glaring at her hard* H-Hey! You better be joking about having a list like that!! *his feathers poofed up slightly, which happens when Gallus feels angry and flustered* 

Rosy Star: Yes and no, because I have the list on my head~! *giggles*

*grumbles, as he actually didn't deny being a tsundere~* Did you want anything?

Rosy Star: YES~! I want to thank our readers for helping us reach 20.1k reads! *gives a happy bounce*

Well, you should make it quick. We had a WHOLE chapter to thank our readers not too long ago!

Rosy Star: *holds her head up* I never get tired of thanking our readers for their support and love! Never ever! And I never will!

Trust me, I know. *rolls his eyes*

Rosy Star: For all our lovely readers, thank you so much for another big milestone! I honestly wasn't expecting us to get THIS many reads while we were still working on the book! It's a wonderful surprise! Our stats may slip now and then, because neither of us is as active as we used to, but things like the number of reads and the number of followers this account has lets me know that, to the ones that matter, this book is still very beloved! And it means so much to me! *gives a sweet grin*

*crosses his arms* ...I'll admit, the recognition this book has gotten, despite all the hiatuses and that we're not the most active users here, it makes me like this book a little more too. The amount of reads we've gotten is pretty crazy, and kind of creepy too, but it's the closest thing to being 'popular' I think I'll ever be. It's an overwhelming ego boost. So...thanks. Especially to our current readers, who have made working on this thing more enjoyable and less of a chore. 

Rosy Star: *gives an excited look* Awww, Gallus! I'm so glad you're finally thankful for this boo--!

*with a more theatrical tone* So~! Now that we said our thank yous, tune in next time to enjoy more of this website's favorite griffon~! *gives a cocky smirk, then snickers a bit*

Rosy Star: *looks slightly unamused* Some things never change...

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