I sing a love song dedicated to a princess that's WAY older than me

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Dare (by angelea3944): I dare u to sing my dear luna from magiepie u are a great singer

*smiles a bit* Alright, another singing dare!  I'm glad to show off my beautiful voice once again~ I figured I could get this chapter out of the way a few days ago, but apparently my grumpiness got to Rosy. 

Rosy Star: Oh, don't say that. I wasn't grumpy...I just wasn't in the mood to deal with you. And I was really busy. 

REAL ungrateful, considering that I've been feeling nice these past few days. *cuts Rosy before she can say something, suddenly getting angry* And if you say anything about WHY I've been happier, I'll punch all your teeth out, got it?! 

Rosy Star: *gulps* G-Got it ;n;

Good. *grins* Now, let's get this dare out of the way! *quickly reads over the lyrics...and frowns* Geesh, was I really dared to sing a love song to Princess Luna? That's kinda creepy. She must be like, a thousand years older than me! You people on this site are weird. I don't have to make the disclaimer that I don't actually love Princess Luna or want her to be my dark girlfriend princess, right? *gags a bit* 

*he starts hearing the instrumentals...and his eyes widen* ...Is this some sort of parody of that slow, boring song from the awful movie about the girl, the vampire pony, and the werewolf pony?? ...Yeah, the universe really wants to sour my mood huh? ...No, it's not gonna work! I'm gonna rock this parody of that lousy song, and I'm gonna make it my own, dammit!

*he clears his throat, and starts to sing, his voice lovely as usual, but he's not getting into the emotion as much, and is just focusing on enjoying himself and on sounding great*

A long~ time~ ago 

I found myself on~ my~ own~

Coooold and aaaaaafraid~~!!

I needed somewhere to caaaaaall~ home

Theeeeen, yoooou~

Opened your hooooooooves to me 

I found a friend~~!

Somepony who could share my joys and woes~

Growing up BY~ MYYYY~ SIDE~!

You were my world, you were the one who held my heaaaaart~

Myyyyy deaaaar Luuuuuuuuna~

I cherished every day weeeeeeee were together ~

And we knew no matter what, we haaaaaaaaad each other~

It was yooooooou~ aaaaaand meeeeeee~!

I wish that it could aaaaaalways be....


Remeeeeeeeembering~, all of the fun we had~ 

It brings me a smile~

All of the mischief and the woooonderment~

Of watching you raaaaise THEEEEE MOOOOOON~!

I~ was so proud!

Why did that moment have to eeeeeeend~?! 

Myyyyy dear Luuuuuuuna...

I cherished every day weeeeeeeeee were together~ 

And we knew, no matter what, we haaaaaaad each other~!

 It was yoooooou and meee...

 I wiiiish that it could aaaaaalways be~!

I wish that I could take us back toooooo those moments~

Where there's no pain and no betrayal, just looooooooove and laughter~!

It was yoooooooooou and meeeee~!!

 I~ wish that it could aaaaaaalways be....

*raises his voice a bit* I wish that it could aaaaaaalways beeeeeee~!

Ooooooohhhh, myyyyy dear Luuuuuna..

I cherished every day weeeeee were together~

And we knew, no matter what, we haaaaaaaad each other

 It was yooooooou and meeeeee~

 I wish that it could always be...

I wish that I could take it back, and neeeeeeeeever leave you~!! 

The time apart was killing me~! 

...'Cause I~ still loved you 

Even when youuuuuu...were gone 

My love for you kept going strong...

Rosy Star: Well, you did an awesome job as always, Gall-

OOOOOOOHHHHHHHH~~~!!! *he keeps hitting random high notes just to show off, even hitting whistle notes ala Mariah Carey again* 


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