Only Sandbar and Yona know video game stuff here. I don't feel so ignorant now!

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Question (by Allstarherocharacter): Have you heard about Luigi mansion 3

Smolder: Okay, before we start this off, we gotta get an announcement out of the way first. As of now, there's only ONE spot left for someone to ask or dare us for a chapter. To ask or dare us with Gallus, I mean. So be quick if you want to ask us something or give us something to do. 

Yona: Yona think spot fair if different person ask. Other readers deserve chance!

Well, my book has been getting the same four users asking and daring for about a month, so I wouldn't count on that.

Yona: Yona still find it fair to give last chapter with Yona and friends to new reader!

Sandbar: She's got a point. I don't see anything wrong with her putting it out there. So, on to the question!

Yeah, the asker seems to want your opinion most of all. 

Sandbar: *with an oblivious smile* Awww, this user seems to like me

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Sandbar: *with an oblivious smile* Awww, this user seems to like me. Thanks, dude or dudette! 

Yeah, don't be so flattered, Ghillie Head. I said one time that you know about video games more than me, and this guy or girl immediately started to think you're like a professional , paid gamer! But I get asked the gamer questions because this user has no one else to bother with them. I thought everyone knew that I've been too broke to have my own consoles, I'm still broke, and that I still starve every now and then. So you've got my answer on hearing about that game, which is a no. I know about the original, I didn't know about this....three-quel. *raises an eyebrow as his friends glare at him* ...What?

Sandbar, Yona, Smolder, and Ocellus: STOP STARVING, GALLUS!

Ocellus: *worried tone* We've told you that any of us would be happy to help you if you need bits to eat!

Yona: Griffon need to ACCEPT HELP!

Sandbar: Let us help you!!!

Smolder: And accept our bits, you stubborn blueberry rooster!!!!

*rubs his forehead in annoyance* Can you ever understand that I've gotten used to starving ever since I lived alone in Griffonstone?

Sandbar, Yona, Smolder, and Ocellus: NO!

Oh fine, whatever! I actually have bits now, and you've got a question to answer, so let's move on!

Sandbar: *breathes in and out* ...Anyway, I'm pretty sure you have the name wrong, dude. It's Stalluigi's Mansion 3. 

*crosses his arms* Actually, humans and ponies seem to have this weird thing where a piece of media is pretty much the same, but they have different names. 

Sandbar: Oh yeah, humans live in a different dimension. That's...still weird and confusing. But anyway, I did get Stalluigi's Mansion 3 when it came out. I haven't played it much, but when I did, I really enjoyed it! Stalluigi's Mansion games are the darkest games I can play, really. *chuckles a bit* I'm really not a fan of harsh, violent games. 

Yona: Oh, Yona like most games! Yona love Stalluigi Mansion 3, and Yona like more violent games too! Violent games liked best by most yaks.

Smolder: Woah woah woah, wait a minute...YAKS have video games?

Ocellus: I didn't know yaks have them! *gives a curious, interested look* 

Yona: *gives a fast nod* Most yaks love video games, but video games bit rare in Yakyakistan. Yaks like smashing and working on strength best.  

Smolder: ...I can't believe yaks have video games and dragons don't! Dx

Dragons don't have video games? Don't you say that dragons are best at competition?

Smolder: Yeah, at our own dragon competitions and sports. We'd love to have video games in the Dragon Lands, but our location doesn't allow us to have good technology. Living in caves and having cool technology are things that don't really mix. The lucky dragons who play video games are the ones who have gotten into terrorizing villages that have video games! 

Ocellus: Changelings don't have advanced technology or video games either. *looks down and frowns a bit* Chrysalis wanted us to focus solely on love-feeding, and the Changeling Hive still has a long way to go before being as advanced as Ponyville. I don't think Thorax is interested in making our hive advanced, anyway. So I think that answers if Smolder and I have heard of the game.

....I can't believe it. *grins* I'm not the only ignorant creature when it comes to video games anymore! Ugh, what a relief. My privilege levels are low enough. 

Smolder: *sassy look at Gallus* Are you REALLY celebrating not having video games because Ocellus and I don't, like it's a good thing? It's official, Silverstream is rubbing off on you. 

Ocellus: I hope we've answered the question good enough for the asker. *gives a sweet look*

Yona: Yona hope to see readers next time! *grins*

Sandbar: See you later, radical readers! Hopefully you like this chapter and the next one!

*Ocellus, Yona, and Sandbar wait for Smolder and Gallus to join in on saying goodbye....They're not joining in*

Yona: Dragon and griffon should say bye with Yona and friends!

Smolder: *with a small wave that seems almost sarcastic* Later. 

*rolls his eyes...then gives an annoying smirk* ...Bye, bastards. 

Sandbar: DUDE! Dx

Smolder: *snickers* Good to know Silverstream isn't rubbing off on you THAT much, Gallus!

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