I hate dresses, and I hate my friends right now, I just hate everything!

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Dare (by -SpongeBobSquarePant): Hmmm I got a dare! I dare you to wear a dress for the whole day :3

*is seen wearing a very poofy, light pink dress with white flowers in it, and he is completely unamused* Of course, Rosy, of freaking course, you got me the girliest dress you could ever get. >:(((

Rosy Star: Custom made by Rarity! I told her the dress was for me, buuuut I gave her your measurements ;)

*sarcastically* Fantastic. *smirks* I'm sure you'd LOVE to see me parade this dress at school, but with my amazing charms, I got told I get to stay all day in my room! You told my professors I was sick, right?

Rosy Star: Oh yeah, don't worry. I told them you were sick.

Good~ *sits in his bed* About time you did something NICE for me. 

Rosy Star: Yeah....I told them you were REALLY sick~ *smirking* 

......Wait, I don't like that look. What did you do?

Rosy Star: You staying in your room in a dress would be a needlessly boring chapter. The asker doesn't deserve that! So, I let your friends know that they should definitely come and check on you here!

YOU DID WHAT???!!!! *looking absolutely furious* Y-You better not have told Silverstream about this!! *looks a bit more flustered after saying that*

Oh, she'll come. I don't need to tell her~ See ya! *teleports out*


Ocellus: *knocks on Gallus's bedroom door* Gallus? Can we come in? I hope you've been feeling better! 

*hides underneath his covers while grumbling*

Smolder: *after a long pause* Ocellus, come on, he's super sick! Why would he open the door? He doesn't even do that when he's healthy. *rolls her eyes* Just watch. *she ends up opening the door, because it was unlocked*

*more grumbling as he hears the door open*

Smolder: Hey, Gallus! ...Wait, what are you doing under the covers??

Oh, uh, hey! *fake cough* Just uh....I don't want all of my horrible germs to get to you guys, that's all!! *two fake sneezes*

Sandbar: Aww, don't worry so much dude! We can just keep our space!

Ocellus: And...aren't you claustrophobic? Being wrapped under the covers like that gives a very small space...

Oh please, I totally faced THAT fear like *fake cough* a LONG time ago.

Smolder: *rolls her eyes, and starts counting with her claws* 5.....4....3....2....1

GAUGH!!!! *he gets his head out of the covers* Okay, fine! I don't wanna be trapped down there! B-But still, you guys REALLY shouldn't be here... *coughs again, a lot louder*

Yona: Yona not abandon griffon when sick! Griffon is our friend! Friends there when one is sick! 

Sandbar: Rosy Star told us how bad you are! That you have this really bad griffon flu that makes you sneeze and cough nonstop, that you have a fever, AND that you've got a really bad belly rash. 

...Rash, huh? She REALLY told you that? *scowling* Well, as you can see, I'm MUCH better already. So uh, I'll see you...tomorrow. 

Ocellus: Gallus, you don't have to be embarrassed about a rash. We all get those...

*mumbles under his breath* That's not what I'm embarrassed about. 

Ocellus: ...What did you say?

Nothing!! Just uh....yeah, the rash still hurts. *pretends to moan in pain* And it's super ugly. You don't want to see it. 

Yona: Yona want to see rash! 

Smolder: Yeah, we can take it! We came to check that you're better, didn't we? *tries to pull Gallus's covers off*

NO! I mean.. *as he's pulling the covers away from Smolder* I told you, I AM better! I'm barely even coughing anymore! So just go!

Smolder: ...You're hiding something, aren't you??!! *pulling harder*

Sandbar: Smolder, chill out! He doesn't have to show us if he doesn't want to! *worried look*

Smolder: Yona, help me out here!

Don't you DARE!!!

Yona: Yak best at tug of war!! Yona want to SEE griffon better! *she helps pull with Smolder, and they take the covers off*

*AND THEY ALL SEE GALLUS IN THE DRESS, and they can't help but to burst out laughing. Except Ocellus who is just giggling*

*looking flustered and furious as he's seen with his poofy dress* Oh, shut up! I-I was dared to wear it, alright?! And it WAS supposed to not be so bad, because I was allowed to stay here in my room....Ugh, I still have to kill Rosy for this. 

Smolder: Some awesome dare you were given!! *laughing hard* Awwww, you look so ADORABLE!!

Shut. It. 

Sandbar: *playfully gets flirty* Yeah, aren't you the most pretty and cute princess I've ever seen~?  

*blushes a bit* Oh, shut your gay mouth!

Ocellus: *giggles* Guys, guys, let's calm down. It's not a bad thing if he wears a dress. 

Yes it is!!! I look like I'm trying to be a pretty fairy princess!!

Smolder: *laughs more* Hey, he said it, not me!

Yona: *trying to stop laughing* G-Griffon look good in dress! Yona honest! Friends just want to tease griffon for teasing us always! 

Smolder: Oooohh, yeah, you look GREAT! You should wear pink dresses all the time!! *laughing more*

Sandbar: *snickering* I'll love to buy you some, Princess Gallus~!

UGH. If you guys weren't my friends, I would SO hurt you right now!!

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