I have to sing about heaven, and I don't know what it is

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Dare (by Gypsy-Girl-727): I dare you to sing..... "Heaven's Light".

The asker here wanted me to sing a song prior to this one, but I couldn't actually find the song, and they never linked me like they promised. So I'll just take it as fact that they don't care about that dare anymore, and I'll work with this song instead. 

And uh, I'm only singing the first half of this song, by the way. The second half, considering what I've been told, is about...an old man lusting after a much younger woman, wanting her to burn if she doesn't love him, to say the least. I wish I could question the asker's sanity...but I'll admit, I listen to stuff that's this dark. I actually would like to try that part out, but doing so would give you guys more freedom to ask me dirtier stuff. Which I can't specify because describing this song is already too much for this book. So, no, I'm staying with the nice part of the song. Even if I have no idea what 'heaven' means....what is it, a star? A planet? It could be a lamp for all I know. 

Rosy Star: Gallus, wait!!!

*raises an eyebrow* Oh, what is it now? You're the one who thinks I need to speed it up with the chapters!

Rosy Star: *she looked at him for a moment, since he wasn't wearing any green for Saint Patrick's Day....but then she just smiles evilly* Oh, uh, nothing. You go ahead and do your dare!

...Alright, enough stalling, time to listen to my beautiful voice once again~!

*clears his throat, and starts singing beautifully* So many times out there~

I've watched a happy pair~

Of lovers walking in the niiiiiiiiiiight~

They had a kind of glow around them...

It almost looked like Heaven's liiiiiight~!

*singing more passionately, starting to relate more to the lyrics* I knew I'd never know that warm and loving glow!

Though I might wish with all my miiiiiiiiight~!

No face as hideous as my faaaaaaace

*softens his voice, making it sound almost angelic* Was ever meant for Heaven's liiiiiiiight~

*abruptly stops singing* Hey, wait a minute, did you just make me sing that I'm ugly??!!! Dx Screw you!! I'm way more good-looking than the average griffon!! And way more good-looking than any human!!

Rosy Star: You still have more of the song to go, Gallus!! 

Hey, I couldn't just ignore that I was made to sing that I'm ugly, you know? >.> 

*he starts singing again, his voice still soft* But suddenly an angel has smiled at me...

And touched my face without a trace of fright..~

*makes his voice sound a bit more powerful* I dare to dream that she might even care for me~!

And as I ring the bells tonight

My cold dark tower seems sooooooo briiiiiiiiight~!

I swear, it must be Heaven's Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight~!!!

And no, I didn't try too hard with this song...it's just a sweet, soft song that gives love way too much credit. I feel bad for this poor, pining dude....soon, he's gonna realize that love sucks, and that no one knows what the fuck they're doing. 

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