I still feel like I shouldn't have read this...

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*tapping his paw impatiently* Hmmph....I don't know how to start this without Rosy here....*gives a long, annoyed sigh* ...Okay, hi, I'm Gallus, and you...already know who I am. I don't know how to start chapters when I don't have something to copy and paste on here. This is not a chapter where I have a special message. I have to do...SOMETHING. A something that was updated just a little while ago and that Rosy, for some reason, wants to tell me herself. Apparently I can't post screenshots like how I usually do when a dare is updated or properly explained...

*yawns* What's taking Rosy so long? What can I....*eyes widen and light up a bit* Oh, wait, I got an idea! While we wait...*flies to his drawer, and gets out some sock puppets with a grin* I think I can finally put these to good use!

Rosy Star: *opens the door dramatically* I'm here!

Seriously?! *groans as he puts the sock puppets away, getting a sarcastic tone* Your timing is IMPECCABLE, Rosy.

Rosy Star: *giggles* Sorry! I realized that my mane was kind of messy, so I fixed it! It feels GREAT to finally have my mane in its perfect length! *flips her mane* Oh, and then I had to drink some water.

Uh-huh. Now what do I have to do here?

Rosy Star: Okay, so the dare is still kind of the same. fnafdemon still wants you to read the chapter '10-11' of his ask or dare book. However, he also added that he wants you to react to his face reveal!

...What the heck is a face reveal? Why does he need to reveal his face? ...Don't tell me I have to react to a human face. 

Rosy Star: Yeah, you do. *starts to search for the chapter in her laptop*

Well, I see that guy still REALLY wants me to read his stuff. Is this some sort of human tactic to try and gain friends and attention? That really is just sad.

Rosy Star: Well, If I were you, I'd follow his account already. 

Why do creatures care about followers so much? I don't care about mine. And I only care about following creatures I genuinely know and like. 

Rosy Star: Creatures just like to be popular, that's all! Okay, here's the chapter. I'll leave you to it! *quickly trots out of Gallus's room*

Hmph, she must be in a hurry to drink MORE water. *rolls his eyes* Let's see here...

*frowns a bit* Well, this is gonna be depressing

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*frowns a bit* Well, this is gonna be depressing....Why would you dare me to read about your bullying experiences? I'm not asking to be dismissive or anything, but I NEVER want to talk about how my life has sucked. The times I have, I told because it was absolutely necessary, or because I was asked and I couldn't just say 'I don't want to talk about it.' Am I the only creature who thinks like this? Do humans like to go around and talk about the horrible stuff that has happened to them? I think I understand humans way less than I understand ponies or yaks. 

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