Cast your votes here, and decide my upcoming terrible fate

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Rosy Star: Readers, now's the time to cast your votes~! I'm happy to say that a lot of you were very excited for the 100th chapter and almost all gave a dare for Gallus to complete! As explained last time, the winner will be the one that receives the most votes for their dare. 

Rosy Star: And before I show the dares to vote for, there are a few rules you need to know.

Rosy Star: Rule 1: You can't vote for your own dare. Otherwise all of the votes will be tied. Everyone wants their dare to be done, after all. I want the winning dare to be chosen because of the idea itself, not for who gave it. 

Rosy Star: Rule 2: You CAN vote more than just for one dare, but only if you're genuinely undecided. Don't vote for everything just to vote for everything. 

Rosy Star: Rule 3: No dares will be counted after tomorrow. You have today and tomorrow to put your votes! 

Rosy Star: Rules 4: Don't get too upset if your dare didn't win, because Gallus could be able to do if for another chapter! However, that is a big maybe, since there are dares that are allowed to be complicated just for the 100th chapter, but wouldn't be allowed for a normal chapter. 

Rosy Star: Rule 5: No telling any friend of yours what your dare is! Again, I want the votes to be based on the IDEA of the dare, not for who gave it! And trust me, as of now, I'll be deleting the comments in the last chapter, so that there's no cheating! 

Rosy Star: Rule 6: Don't protest if only one dare of yours was chosen for this chapter. I only chose one for each user so that you all have an equal chance at winning! And the first dare you gave, that's the one that will be used for this contest. 

*leaning to a wall all cool and careless* Do you have a rule 7 against me voting, or what? -.-

Rosy Star: So far, yes, neither of us is allowed to vote. However, if there IS a tie, well, we're gonna have to break it somehow. So by that point we'll have to choose. And if our choice upsets any readers, we can have you do the other dare that won...for a different chapter, at least.

Well, can I at least REACT to the dares?

Rosy Star: You can react, I suppose. I just hope you don't sway opinions too much. 

*smirks a bit* Well, I can't agree too much on that. 

Rosy Star: *glares at Gallus* Anyway, here are the dares for you to vote for! Gallus, read them for us, please! 

*groans a bit* Fine. 

Dare 1: I dare you to sing a random song, in the middle of Ponyville!

I think this one sounds just fine. *snickers a bit* 

Dare 2: I dare you to have a conversation with the Anti-Egg! :D

*shudders* And this one just makes me hate socializing. And I'm not even shy, or an introvert.

Rosy Star: *snickers* Well, you HAVE been pretty shy wh--

SHUT IT. *glares hard at Rosy* You're not finishing that LIE! And let me keep reading!

Dare 3: Fuck it, watch The Gypsy Bard music video.

Hah, I like the wording of this one, but I feel like I should be concerned. 

Dare 4: I dare you to eat 10 chili peppers and drink 5 cups of lemon juice...

I had to lower the number of chili peppers for this one, because the number of chili peppers I was given to eat could kill me! 

Dare 5: Well, then. Gallus, I dare you to go to all of your friends' parents and do something embarrassing in front of them.

*shudders* If this one wins, it'll be a LONG chapter that could change my friendships as I know it. I'm starting to think all of you are sadists!

Dare 6: I dare you to yeet Twilight's diary into Ghastly Gorge and leave it there so it gets eaten by a Wyrm then watch the school fall into complete chaos.

Another dare that I wouldn't allow if I had a choice. Thankfully it's still summer..

Rosy Star: Those are the dares, everyone! Cast your votes, and we'll see you next time in the 100th chapter, with the preferred dare being done~! 

Yeah, bye. And by the way, I mean it when I say that I hate this and I hate all of you. Ugh.

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