Hey, look, I'm in a bad mood in this chapter. That NEVER happens!

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Question (by TorchTorque): How was your summer? Are you excited for school?

Honestly, this question is JUST not redundant enough for me to answer it in a chapter. Because I actually answered two similar questions, uhh..about a month ago, actually. That was back when I talked about how the school will go through some changes once Headmare Twilight won't be Headmare Twilight anymore, and a more specific question of 'how do I want the school year to go'. These questions are more general, so I think can answer them without sounding redundant. 

So, to answer that first question already...I thought I made it very clear, but I've been even more grumpy than usual this summer. Honestly, I don't enjoy summers, ever. The only positive thing summer break gives me is the lack of schoolwork. Otherwise, summer break to me is...watching my friends leave me to go spend time with their families...

Don't get me wrong, I obviously don't think my friends should ditch their family just to spend time with me all summer. That would be really selfish of me. But it still really sucks when they have to leave me...I've gotten so used to having my friends with me, that when they leave, I end up remembering how I really don't have anycreature else...

Seriously, I'm giving myself deja vu, because I'm pretty sure I said something similar already...You know what, I'm gonna see if I can confirm that! *goes to his Internet book in another tab in Rosy's laptop, and searches through the chapters, until he finds something* Yeah, I said it right here, in the chapter where I pranked Smolder and Yona!

You know what, I'm gonna see if I can confirm that! *goes to his Internet book in another tab in Rosy's laptop, and searches through the chapters, until he finds something* Yeah, I said it right here, in the chapter where I pranked Smolder and Yona!

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Hmph, now I have to remember there were annoying readers insulting me in the comments and making me feel....making me feel like I'm a horrible excuse of a griffon or creature......*his eyes widen as he realizes something, looking much angrier* Hey, wait a minute, weren't YOU one of those readers?! Ugh, and then creatures wonder why I hate this book and why I hate all of you. 

*looks a bit less angry once he realizes he still can't end the chapter, but is still more serious and annoyed than usual* And because I STILL have to answer this, let me wrap it up. I hated this summer. It was miserable and lonely. There were small highlights, like when Sandbar came to Ponyville to be closer to me, or when Yona came to Ponyville as well (though it was mostly to see Sandbar... hmph). At least Silverstream stayed a little longer in Ponyville than last year, though she obviously had to see her family eventually....First time she left while we're dating....*his ear tufts flop back as he glares* This summer was miserable. Don't ask me about it again. 

This is exactly why I'm actually excited for school. Not for any schoolwork, or for the classes I find boring, and DEFINITELY not for the exams....I just want ALL of my friends back. I wanna spend time with them when we don't have homework, when we're all free, and in the weekends. I even wanna have fun with them in the classes I DO like, and heck, sometimes our study groups can be pretty fun. 

...And more school time means that I have less time for this stupid book, so I'm definitely excited for THAT too.

And more school time means that I have less time for this stupid book, so I'm definitely excited for THAT too

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