It's all good, we know Princess Twilight has EQUESTRIA to take care of now

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Question (by Princess-Twilight): Hey's teaching at the school?

So, it's been two weeks. A lot has happened, on here from what Rosy Star has told me, and outside. But I think it was in that same June 8th week or the week after that I had my finals and summer break started for us in the School of Friendship. As to why I was away from longer than that and without giving a good explanation, I have the most true, acceptable excuse now; I didn't feel like it! 

Now, as for Ex-Headmare Twilight's question, teaching at the School of Friendship since..since March or April, I believe, has changed a lot due to the pandemic, as it has for everycreature. I explained some of it in the chapter I did a while ago (In the A little bit of life, and a little bit of my wonderful artistic talents chapter, which I can't copy and paste the link from for some stupid reason.) In that chapter I talked more about the procedure we used to continue the friendship classes, with magical projections. It was weird, boring, and it honestly doesn't beat going to the classroom, but it was all we could do. I'm seriously hoping things are back to normal on September. 

I'm sure you're more curious on how Headmare Starlight has been managing the school since you've been gone, though. After your big promotion from Princess of Friendship to Princess of Friendship and Equestria, the teaching hasn't really changed much. There's only a few major changes. One of which is that we've gotten new professors for every class who teach along with our 'original' professors. They're average ponies compared to the likes of Professor Dash and Professor Rarity, but they know their stuff, and they've helped keep a normal schedule going for  ALL our classes when Ponyville needs to be saved. Because Ponyville always needs saving. 

Another major change is the Magic class, which Headmare Starlight has taken care of. Well, not MAJOR, but significant enough. The class is now a bit more dynamic, and there's less exams over more projects. I've noticed a decrease in exams from Loyalty Class and an increase of daily work and projects too. On one claw, less exams is what I always wanted! On the other claw, I hate school projects. So, you now, pluses and minuses.

Those are the only major changes when it comes to the teaching. There have been other changes though. There's Guidance Counselor Trixie. There's Guidance Counselor Trixie trying to make me go talk to her about my 'feelings' or wahtever when Starlight would just let me be. There's that I get way more detention because Headmare Starlight is more strict when it comes to discipline. But the School of Friendship is still the same place I know, and the place I love, really. 

Yeah, that's pretty much it. I think our school has mostly stayed the same. There's some positive changes, and there's other times where I wish you'd come back so that I get less detention! ...And to see your face too, of course, heh. But considering what's expected from a good headmare, when I'm not thinking as the troublemaking student that I am, Headmare Starlight is doing her role fine. She's especially worked a lot on her nerves and her socializing skills, she's less awkward and less anxious than how I'd see her before. So I can say that you left our school in good claws--well, in good hooves, I should say. 

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