I'm not excited for the Scoob movie, but at least my friends are

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Sandbar: Hey, radical readers! Hope you're all doing good~! Before we start off, we've got three things to say. First, us ponies had a great time celebrating Thanksgiving. If any of you celebrated it, we hope you had a great time too! Thanksgiving is why we took a while to get to this chapter, since we all went our own ways for Thanksgiving break. Yona and Gallus joined my family to celebrate Thanksgiving, and I wanna believe we all had an awesome time, right guys? *gives Gallus and Yona a hopeful and happy smile* 

Yona: *grins happily* Yona loved spending Thanksgiving with Sandbar, Sandbar family, and Gallus! Yona wish yaks celebrated Thanksgiving! 

*smiles, with a bit of a sweet look* Yeah, I had a good time too. It was all really nice. 

Ocellus: And I went to the Changeling Hive to celebrate Thanksgiving. We've loved adopting some of the pony holidays Headmare Twilight wrote to us about. They've really been helping our hive bond and have happy memories with our families!

Smolder: *crosses her arms* Dragons don't celebrate that holiday, but I took the time to see Garble and my family. I always like to use any free time I have to see them.  

Sandbar: On our last note, questions and dares for us all are officially closed. Though you can still ask Gallus here--

Much to my annoyance. *scowls a bit*

Sandbar: *casually continues despite being interrupted by Gallus* The girls and I will be leaving soon, and we've got the questions and dares we'll do for the chapters we have left already.

Hopefully you won't forget Sandbar saying this and keep bugging them with questions and dares, 'cause otherwise I'll have to set a reminder at the bottom of their final chapters. But I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and test your memory, 'cause I'm feeling slightly optimistic today. Now, let's get to the dare...that I'm gonna have to say here. 

Smolder: Wait, so you're not going to--what is it--copy and paste a dare or a question here?

No Smolder, I'm not. But every time Allstarherocharacter could, he'd either say he wants our opinion on that Scoob movie that's coming out, or dare us to watch the trailer. And he'd do it with bad, confusing English. I don't know what to copy and paste here. So we just have to...generally react to that Scoob movie, I guess. He did suggest we could watch the trailer if you want, assuming you guys haven't watched it. I know I'M not interested.

Yona: Yona wanna see trailer! Yona wanna know what fuss about!

Sandbar: I haven't watched the trailer either, and I'd like to give it a look!

*grumbles* I knew and dreaded you two would say that. 

Smolder: Well, I'm a natural rebel. *leans back in her seat and smirks* If you're giving me the choice here and this guy REALLY wants us to watch the trailer, then now I can't watch it~

*claw-bumps Smolder as he smirks at her back* At least I can count on you to back me up...most of the time. 

Sandbar: Well, if we're having a democratic vote here, then Ocellus needs to break our tie!

Ocellus: *looks down as the attention is on her* Well, I did watch and like the trailer already...but...*smiles* I wouldn't mind watching it again with you guys.

*huffs* I miss it when my chapters were just short answers to questions. -.-

Smolder: Haven't you ALWAYS hated this book?

Well, sure, but I hate the longer chapters most. *starts searching up the trailer on Rosy Star's laptop* And the reaction chapters tend to be LONG. 

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