You don't know Smolder at all (Disclaimer: I act very stupid in this chapter)

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Dare (by Mlpfan165): I dare you to annoy Smolder the WHOLE DAY!

Bold of you to assume that I can last more than 15 minutes annoying Smolder...without being ROASTED by her fire. 

And no, relax, if she roasts me, it won't kill me. I know from experience... (I'll just be covered in soot and look embarrassingly fluffy...). I know I'll have fun with this dare, but at least with other dares, the fun lasts! I will annoy Smolder for as long as I can, but that's it. It's all I can do! 

*He flies over to Smolder's room, and sneaks in through the window. She was studying, and Gallus came behind her...and started turning her nightlight on and off* 

Smolder: *groans a bit* You know you're not helping, right?!

Well, yeah, of course I'm not. I mean, I got a very interesting dare, and helping you isn't interesting at all. 

Smolder: Oh, what kind of stupid dare did you get NOW?

*smirks* Well, dearest Smoldy, the dare I got is, put you in a patience test. 

Smolder: *sarcastic tone* Awesome. Wow. I don't want it, thanks. This test from Headmare Twilight is bad enough!! 

Well, Smoldy, you don't have a choice. I don't have a choice, so therefore, you don't have a choice! Life's miserable that way. 

Smolder: Quit calling me Smoldy.


Smolder: What.

*pinching her cheeks* Smoldyboobookins is the cutest dragon ever!!! Oh yes she is!!! *smirking* She's got the cutest chubby cheeeeeks and the tiny little baby fangs!! And the cutest FLOOFY HAAAAAAAIR~!!!!

Smolder: *swats his claws away* I AM NOT CUTE!!!!! Don't ever do that again!! EVER!! And let me study!!! 

But Smoldy-kun!! *he starts to give her a super tight hug* I can't ever resist how CUUUUUUUUTE you are!! KAWAII! 

Smolder: Oh my scales, Gallus, cut it out!! *pushes Gallus off of her* What is wrong with you??!! You have a girlfriend!!! Just, UGH!!! Look, you KNOW you don't want to go through with this. You already look dead inside by saying that horrible k word. 

...Yeah, I really am. *shudders*

Smolder: Can you just say I almost murdered you and that I failed your patience test already? So that you LEAVE ME ALONE?!

Can't do that. I have to show EXACTLY how I did the dares. *shrugs* Those are the rules.

Smolder: Oh, sure, because you care sooooo much about rules. 

Yeah, clearly. *rolls his eyes playfully* But, seriously, Smolder....what kind of a dragon can't pass a patience test? That's not very tough, if you ask me~ *smirks*

Smolder: Every dragon in the Dragon Lands and beyond can't pass a patience test! No dragon has patience!

I bet Spike could~

Smolder: HE barely counts!! 

I WILL tell everyone that you weren't able to pass a simple patience test. I will. And I'm pretty sure everyone will comment on just how easy to break you are~~~

Smolder: .......*glares* Give me your worst. 

*pleased smirk......then thinks* Now that I think about it, my worst has always been vengeance. Like, you know...vengeance for all of the times you've made chicken jokes.

Smolder: *snickers as she remembers* Oh, those were fun days!

Yeah? Well, it's about time Blueberry Rooster got his own fun!

Smolder: *laughs* Oh yeah?? What are you going to do??

... *he starts pecking Smolder like a chicken*

Smolder: Ow...ow, ow...ow, ow, OW!!! *grunts* I mean, fine, bring it, you big chicken!! TRY and break me!!

*scowls a he slowly reveals he has a basket full of eggs*

Smolder: *eyes widen* ...You wouldn't.

*smirks* Yeah, I wouldn't attack you with these or anything. No mother hen would do something so aggressive....I'll just be doing this~ *he starts cracking the eggs all over Smolder*

Smolder: *tries to keep her cool, until a bit of egg yolk lands on her notebook*Cut it out!!! You're getting your babies all over my notebook, BIRDBRAIN!!!

Relax, I'll fix that for you!! *he cleans her notebook with his claw...then gets it all over her hair*

Smolder: *loud groan* I just showered. 

Awww, want me to get some water and clean you up, Smoldypookums? *snickers*

Smolder: No. I want you OUT OF MY ROOM!!!! *she takes her pillow and hits Gallus with it*

GAUGH!!! *he falls to the ground....and slowly starts to look very upset*

Smolder: Oh please, what are you pouting about?! You KNOW pillows don't hurt!

.....*slowly starts to whimper* 

Smolder: Gallus. Man up. And don't act like a baby. 

*sniffs a bit....and pretends to cry LOUDLY* 

Smolder: OH THAT'S IT!! I give up!! I failed the patience test!! And you know what?? Here, I'll give an F you can show to those dumb readers of F of FIRE!!!! *she breaths fire all over Gallus*

*of course, he's alright, only covered in soot and very fluffy like he said so, even though he's scowling*

Smolder: *smirks a bit* Do me a favor and STAY like that for a while, will you, Birdbrain~? Because I'm actually going to be NICE and not try to get back at you later...mostly 'cause I need to study. 

NO. I hate it when I'm fluffy!! And the soot is itchy!

Smolder: *glares at him HARD*

....Oh fine! ...I do deserve it...and hey, if whoever asked for this stupid dare isn't satisfied, can you breathe fire on them too?

Smolder: Oh, my pleasure. Right after I wash all of this egg off. YUCK!

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