Let's get my crazy, kind of mean dare out of the way

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Dare (by Allstarherocharacter): I dare gallus prank sandbar

I'm pretty sure you mean 'I dare Gallus TO prank Sandbar'. I wanna assume that's a typo and that you're still not writing incoherently. 

Since my last prank was, you know, a disaster that I had to apologize for in the sappiest way possible, I want to set the record straight about me and get on with my next dare and prank...Look, I know I had to face my consequences, but I'm not letting my reputation of the toughest badass in school slip away from me! Besides, lucky for me, Sandbar takes my pranks and my jokes pretty well. And I should take advantage of the fact that Sandbar's sleeping over at his parents's place. His parents aren't always around, and Sandbar likes to take any chance he gets to sleep by their house, so I have all the time in the world to mess with his dorm. *snickers evilly*

*flies over to Sandbar's dorm, and looks around* Geesh, there is so much stuff in here...*smirks* Well, it's worth it~! I might as well use the most strength I have to move his bed. *flies over to Sandbar's bed and starts to push it outside, groaning as he does so* Why is this bed so heavy?! What does Sandbar need such a big bed for?! Ugh!

*In the hallway of the dorms, Gallus stopped pushing the bed, taking breaths as he rested from all of the effort/looks around, specifically at the walls* Well...this IS a good place to glue all his stuff in. *gets out his crazy glue and gave an evil smirk/starts to sweat as he lifts the bed with effort, then lifts it up and glues it to the wall by its side* Oh, this is such a classic! *snickers* And I've got the rest of the room left to go!

*Gallus got out every other piece of furniture in Sandbar's dorm, and one by one he glued them to the hallway wall/sweats as he struggles to glue it all, and once he's done he's exhausted, trying to gain his breath* Oh....Oh, I need GOOD sleep after this prank's finally over.

Smolder: *she came out grumbling from her room* What is UP with all of the noise around he--?! *notices the tired Gallus and all of the furniture glued to the wall, and breaks down laughing* O-Oh my scales, th-this is rich!! How did you even DO this??!!

*breathes in and out one last time*  With all of the strength I have...and with some awesome crazy glue *smiles to Smolder* I'm so glad you're here!

Smolder: *once she stops laughing, she huffs a bit* Well, of course I am, you woke me up!

Okay, good! 

Smolder: Aren't you going to apologize to me at least?! Dx

Oh, heh, right, sorry! But I was dared to prank Sandbar for the--

Smolder: The stupid Internet book that you totally hate. Yeah, I know. Since when do you work on that when it's THIS late? It's one in the morning! And that's late even for me!

*looks away* That's not important. *smirks* What matters is that I want to show off this prank! *gives Smolder a camera* Can you take some pictures of me? I want to show this off to everyone!

Smolder: *rolls her eyes playfully* The prank is not THAT good, Gallus. What's with you wanting to show it off?

I just said it was not important! Now, can you take the pictures, please?

Smolder: Fine, whatever...just give me a copy of those pictures when you print them out, okay~? *smirks*

*smirking back at her* Oh, my pleasure~ Tell me when you're ready!

Smolder: *after a minute* Alright, strike a pose Gallus!

*Gallus started off with a middle 'finger' and a smirk, making Smolder laugh. Smolder took a few more pictures, and Gallus would either give silly poses or cool poses*

Smolder: *snickers* Okay, that's gotta be enough. *gives the camera back to Gallus and yawns loudly* Geesh, not even this could help me wake up a little...hey, aren't you going to sleep, Gallus?

I do want to, I'd love to sleep for a whole day after all of THIS work. *yawns as well* But I probably won't sleep so much as a couple of hours. I'm waking up early tomorrow, to give as many copies of these pictures as I can~ *smirks down to his camera as he says that*

Smolder: *snickers* Good luck with that! *stretches as she heads to her room* Goodnight, Gallus. 

*he flew slowly to his room* Yeah, goodnight. *enters his room and throws himself facefirst into his bed all dramatic/flips over and then lies on his back* Hmmm....should I post Sandbar's reaction for a chapter tomorrow? ....Eh, I'll decide later. 

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