Calling Smolder the cutest dragon ever, part 2

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((The drawing of the cutest dragon ever~ was made by Marenlicious on DeviantART!))

Dare (by QueenElsa36): I dare you to call Smolder cute. 

Well, that's not really how they worded it, but whatever, that's all I have to do. I already did this in the very long and ridiculous chapter 'You don't know Smolder at all', because I was dared to annoy her for a whole day....Smolder only lasted being annoyed for a few minutes. So I can make this quick. 

*flies over to where Smolder was at. She was in the cafeteria, having some gems for dinner* 

Smolder: *smiles when she sees Gallus* Hey, Gallus. What's up?

Oh, hey Smolder~ *smirks a bit* 

Smolder: ....Oh no. I REALLY don't like that tone of yours. *glares* What stupid idea do you have NOW?

Stupid idea?! *gasps dramatically just to act* How dare you. I only came to compliment you!

Smolder: *crosses her arms with a suspicious look* ...Compliment me? 

Well, yeah~ ... *smirks a bit more* Compliment you on how CUTE AND ADORABLE you are~!

Smolder: *groans* Not one of your stupid dares again!! *flies closer to him* I AM NOT CUTE!

You are the CUTEST dragon ever! The CUTEST!! 

Smolder: Take. it. BACK!!

*crosses his arms* Why don't you just accept you're cute~? You'd sleep a lot better at night if you did. 

Smolder: Oh, I don't know, why don't you cut it out before I roast you with fire again??!! >:V

*eyes widen* Okay, okay, I'll leave you alone!! *flies away as fast as he can* 

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