I just hope my future has less Rosy Star in it

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Question (by Hopliln): Gallus, what do you think will happen in your future?

Hmm, well, there are many ways I can answer this, but to be honest, I don't have many plans. 

I only have two concrete plans. The first one is definitely to never loose touch with my friends, and stay by their side. Thanks to the school, I think we'll all be able to stay friends for a long time. I don't think we'll ever abandon each other, no matter what happens...Mostly because it's something we all seem to worry about. But I'm willing to do the worst if it means that they don't leave me...They all know, and should know, that I loathe abandonment. 

My second plan is to always keep a roof over my head. It may seem like the bare minimum, and it is, but after my last years in Griffonstone, this may be one of my biggest wishes, not just one of my two big plans... I don't care if I live in a mansion or if I live in a small house. As long as I don't feel boxed in, but I have somewhere I can feel safe in, that's enough for me. 

As for a future job...well, I like to tell myself I'll be satisfied as long as I have the bare necessities in life, but that's not so true. I've had so many ideas. I've wanted to be a performer, an actor, an athlete, a wonderbolt...ehm, the first non-pegasus wonderbolt, to be precise. (Yeah, this dream was flushed down the drain. I'm NOT taking this away from Silverstream.) I've even considered opening or working on a museum of some sort, after the one I did for the Tree of Harmony. Sure, it wasn't the RIGHT thing to do, but I was so into it! ...I really wanted to do that puppet show. 

Come on, just look at these awesome puppets I made! 

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Come on, just look at these awesome puppets I made! 

But yeah, I don't really have one specific dream job. I might even decide I want to be something else a month or so from now. Besides those two big plans I mentioned before, I don't have my future structured out. That should be enough to answer your question.

Rosy Star: *raises an eyebrow* Gallus, aren't you forgetting something?

*sassy look* No, because I'm not some absent-minded space cadet like you. <.<

Rosy Star: *huffs a bit* Oh, really? ..Doesn't this question seem familiar to you?

Well, sure. EVERYONE gets asked about what they think will happen in their future. It's a basic question. What are you trying to get at?

Rosy Star: Oh, you know...THIS.

*his eyes widen a bit* Ooooohhh

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*his eyes widen a bit* Ooooohhh... *glares* Hey, don't bring THIS up! Silverstream may like talking about our love life when she feels like it, b-but I don't! If the asker REALLY wanted my thoughts on..our relationship, then he should've been direct about it!

Rosy Star: *pouts in annoyance* Meanie. If Silverstream thought about you, then you should at least mention her here! 

Well I...! *stays quiet for a moment, then groans* Ugh, fine. 

Okay, so about Dorkystream here...I'm not keeping my hopes up too high. And it's not because I don't want to be with her, or because she's a bad girlfriend, that couldn't be further from the truth.. Heck, Silverstream has told me that she'd never break up with me, unless if I do something that's, in her words, "badass", like cheat on her or something scummy like that. And I believe her...I-I can tell she means it. I'm not saying I don't trust her, but what I'm getting at is that...well, feelings change. Life can change drastically, that's something I've learnt in some of the hardest periods in my life...

I know Silverstream means it when she says she wants to stay by my side in the present, but that doesn't mean we'll live happily ever after. It's possible that she'll meet some amazing, gorgeous guy, who actually knows how to love, and then realizes that I...am really not that. I like to be emotionally prepared for...for when what I care about is...ripped away from me, because it certainly wouldn't be the first time...

*his eyes looked a bit sad as he pauses for a moment, then continues after he gives a hard gulp*

...B-But, sure, I'll try to humor the idea that what Silverstream is saying will actually happen. We did talk about my thoughts on having kids. Which are all preceded by a big, bolded, and underlined IF. But, hey, it's better than how I used to think before, where the if was a big fat NO....I still don't think I'll be a good dad, at all. What, a griffon without a family, who sucks at babysitting, being a good dad? Doubtful. And yet... *blushes* I'm sure Silverstream could be an...a-an amazing mother, s-so, I think I could consider having kids only if she's there with me. ....A-And she believes that I could be a good dad, too...That really does mean a lot, that she...believes in me. *gives a loving smile for a few seconds, but then shakes his head and tries to look tough* So, yeah, whatever. I'm pretty sure THIS should be enough to answer your--

Rosy Star: WAAAAIT! Don't end the chapter yet!

Oh, what do you want now? This has to be the longest chapter I've made of a QUESTION yet! Just let it end already! 

Rosy Star: Hey, I have an important question for our readers! Besides, I'm doing you a favor.. *smirks* Or do you want me to let you end the chapter with being all lovey-dovey about Silverstream~?

*blushes a bit, grumbling a little* ...Fine, go ahead. 

Rosy Star: So, faithful readers! It has, um, come to my attention that because of the last chapter, you all think I'm indefinitely joining Gallus on Asking and Daring. Which wasn't what I was trying to imply. If I was, I would have made a former chapter about it.

Well, did you expect them NOT to think that? You're an idiot. 

Rosy Star: *glares at Gallus, but breathes in an out and doesn't reply to him* However, at the end of the day, this book is mostly about giving you guys what you want. So why don't we take a vote? Let me know in the comments if you want me to join Gallus for asking and daring! If I do, however, I still don't want to take too much attention from Gallus here, so I'd have a rule of only allowing asks and dares WITH Gallus, rather than doing them separately. It would feel kind of weird to add myself in like that after making over 80 chapters where Gallus is mostly the focus. 

*rolls his eyes, with a bit of a sarcastic tone* I appreciate the consideration, really. But I don't want to do this book with you! It's bad enough doing it on my own! And YOU are a pain in my side! Dx

Rosy Star: *sassy look* Well, like I say Gallus, the readers are always right!

That's not true and you know it!

Rosy Star: They will vote and that's final! Now let's publish this chapter!

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