There are two types of bad romances

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Question (by fnafdemon): Would you rather kiss a random creature or marry your worst enemy?

Yona: Can Yona answer last question of Yona and friends first? Yona have answer already. Yaks best at fast answers!

Sandbar: Awww, this is almost our last chapter. I'm kinda sad about it. 

*sassy look* You guys have stuck around for WAY longer than we had planned. For a month and a half, to be precise!

Sandbar: Wait, really? We've stuck around for that long?! Woah, time really does fly when you have fun!

And time moves at the speed of a snail when you're not enjoying yourself. 

Smolder: *rolls her eyes* Boys talk too much. *smiles at Yona* Ignore them, Yona. Just go ahead and answer.

Sandbar: "Boys talk too much?" Geesh, you're already sounding like you were raised in Ponyville. *gives Yona a bit of a sheepish smile* But anyway, sorry for interrupting you Yona.

Yona: Yona never mind if Sandbar interrupts~! *giggles* Yona's answer to question is kiss random creature! Kiss not take long, and Yona can ask Sandbar first if Yona NEED to kiss random creature. *cuddles Sandbar* Sandbar now Yona's boyfriend, and Yona want to stay loyal to Sandbar~!

Sandbar: *blushes brightly and chuckles* Awww, Yona! I wouldn't marry my worst enemy or anycreature either, so long as I'm with you~ *cuddles Yona back*

Ocellus: Awwww! *gives Sandbar and Yona a sweet look*

*gags a bit and gives a disgusted look* You two are so SAPPY.

Smolder: *groans* No kidding. If you weren't my friends, I'd start acting like I'm throwing up!

You read my mind there, Smolder.

Sandbar:  *playful look* Groan and gag all you want, but deep down, we all like our share of affection~!

*sounding too defensive* Don't count me in on that!

Smolder: Ugh, speaking of which, I'd take kissing a random creature. But unlike you two, I choose that because it could just take a second or two of being "affectionate." Besides the fact that I could never love my worst enemy, I'd owe them affection because we're married! Which is why I'm gonna choose who I get together with wisely, thank you very much. 

I feel the exact same way. I'd kiss a random creature for a second or two, and just get it over with. Even if the kiss is the WORST kiss I could ever have, at least it'd only be seconds of misery. And, you know, Sandbar and Yona aren't the only ones who are taken here...Silverstream would not take EITHER of these choices well, but I think she'd prefer to have me kiss somecreature else than to marry somecreature else. Also, I don't even LIKE the idea of getting married in general. 

Sandbar: *raises an eyebrow with a teasing smile* So you're REALLY gonna tell us that you wouldn't marry Silverstream~?

*grumbles as he blushes* I don't know, Ghillie Head, why don't you tell us if you'd marry Yona?

Sandbar: Well, it's different for us. We started dating three weeks ago. We're not gonna think of that yet. *smirks a bit* But you and Silverstream are close to having your one year anniversary, aren't you~?

Yona: Can Yona and friends celebrate anniversary with griffon and hippogriff? Yona want to be happy with lovebirds~! *snickers, but has a sweet look*

*grumbles as he blushes more* Considering that griffons don't celebrate anniversaries, hippogriffs might not either, so shut up! Double shut up if you're gonna ask if I want to marry Silverstream and whatever...Y-You're here to answer questions, n-not to ask me shit!

Sandbar: Bu--!!

SHUSH. SHUSH. *Smolder and Yona snicker at how defensive Gallus got, but he ignores them, looking at Ocellus* Ocellus, you still haven't answered yet. Which of these crazy options would you pick?

Ocellus: Heh, I think I'm the only one who's gonna have a different choice. *looks down and smiles sheepishly* I-I'd feel too shy to kiss a random creature out of nowhere...and I could always divorce my worst enemy. So I'd take the marriage over the kiss. 

*with a playful smile* You? Too shy? That doesn't sound like you. Next thing you're gonna tell me is that you love to study early for tests! *nudges Ocellus*

Ocellus: *giggles sheepishly*

Smolder: The only thing we should be shocked about is that we didn't consider divorce as an option for that 'marry your worst enemy' choice....Eh, I'll still take the kiss. *looks at Sandbar, Yona, and Gallus* And I'm assuming that you three will too since you're not flying solo like me. 

Yona: Dragon right!

Yeah, the random kissing is bad enough for me. And for the certain dorky hippogriff I don't have to name.

Sandbar: I'm agreeing too. *chuckles a bit, then gives a bright grin* Well, radical readers, we leave you here with our last question and one of our last chapters! Where we join Gallus, I mean. 

Yeah, I'm still gonna be here...for a while. 

Yona: Yona hope readers enjoy chapter! Yona will miss readers when Yona and friends gone! *gives a sweet look*

Sandbar: See ya!

Ocellus: Goodbye!

Smolder: Later. *gives a small, lazy wave*

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