Fine, I'll be optimistic and sappy just this once

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Question (by Spoonbear):  What's the most amazing thing that happened in your life so far, and why was it so amazing?

Geesh, you guys are actually sending really good questions so far...probably not going to last, but eh, I'll enjoy it while I can. 

....Look, if you know me, you KNOW I don't like to be sappy. I don't like to be sappy. Griffons don't like to be sappy! So, let me give you my...really sappy answer, without you expecting to ever get one again, sounds good? Because, honestly...meeting my best friends has got to be the most amazing thing that has happened in my life so far. 

Well, it's probably a tie between that, and well, saving Equestria. That was pretty sweet too. Wow, wouldn't I look less like a sap if I said saving Equestria is the most amazing thing? ...*sighs* No, I'd kind of be lying. Saving Equestria is cool and all...but I don't know, nothing really makes me happier than just knowing I have five amazing creatures I can count on in my life. For once, I feel like I'm actually lucky, you know? Not every griffon gets to have FIVE friends. Most can only or two. Or none. A few years ago, it felt really hard to be happy, but now, I can just be happy hanging around with those five goofs. 

...Yeah, I know, I can hear you all AWWWW'ing at reading this. Let's just move on. 

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