And the winner in this 100th chapter is....NOT ME

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Rosy Star: And heeeere it is! The 100th chapter for this book!!! *bouncing up and down in excitement* And we have to thank our wonderful readers for all the support! 

*has his arms crossed and a sarcastic, completely bored tone of voice* Yay. 

Rosy Star: Before we reveal the winning dare in this chapter, I want to thank all of you for sticking with us for so long! And for always being there to give a question or dare, 'cause that's how we kept the book going! And it means a lot to us! Right, Gallus?

*points at Rosy in a casual manner* Only for you. For me it only slightly helps my ego. Slightly. 

Rosy Star: *scowls a bit* Well, can you at least thank the readers too? They've stuck around all for you, after all! 

*rolls his eyes, and gives a sarcastic smile* Yeah, sure, thanks for forcing me to do stuff 100 times or so. 

Rosy Star: *sighs a bit at Gallus's attitude* Well, on to the winner of the 100th chapter contest! ...To be honest, it was a tie. A clear tie between Dare 4 and Dare 5

Rosy Star: Like I stated in the last chapter, if it came down to a tie, Gallus and I would need to break the tie ourselves. And, because this dare IS a lot easier to do and get done, and a lot less harmful in the long-term, we decided that Dare 4, by fnafdemon, will be the one used for this chapter! Congratulations to them!

Our winning dare: I dare you to eat 10 chili peppers and drink 5 cups of lemon juice...

*annoyed look* I think this is the appropriate time to say that even if I ended up going with this, it's still going to be a pain to do. 

Rosy Star: *teleports a table, a plate with ten chili peppers, and five cups of lemon juice into the room as Gallus complains* It can't be any harder than Dare 5, Gallus. 

*scowling as he crosses his arms* I hate spicy food, and my stomach really hates spicy food. I don't think griffons are even MEANT to like spicy food. Most of what we eat is kinda bland tasting...or meat. Maybe it's just a problem with my stomach, but considering that I've had to eat garbage out of trash cans and the worst I got was a bit of nausea, I'm blaming my species too! *looks at Rosy Star from the corner of his eye* Why haven't you gotten me milk? I can't eat chili peppers without it!

Rosy Star: Can't you at least say please? >:c

*sighs a bit in annoyance* Please. 

Rosy Star: *pleased look* That's better. *trots off*

*runs a claw through his top feathers* Let's get this over with. Starting with the easy part. 

*Gallus lifts up his first cup of lemon juice and quickly drinks it, only giving a small wince at the sourness. He has a similar reaction after his second and third cup, but by the fourth cup he's wincing and huffing more harshly, the sourness of the lemon juice getting to him* Gaugh! Stupid dare.. *takes a minute before finishing his last lemon juice cup, wincing for one last time and giving a loud huff* 

Rosy Star: *smiles at Gallus after she places two cups of milk next to him* You showed a lot of resistance with the lemon juice, Gallus!

Yeah, well, it's not gonna last. *glares at the chili peppers for a good minute until he picks one up, popping it in his mouth and chewing it with hesitation/the spiciness of the peppers mixes with the lemon sourness in his mouth, making his eyes widen* UGH, SHIT! MOTHERFUCKING SHIT, AGH!!! *drinks one of the cups of milk entirely, all in a rush* 

Rosy Star: Gallus, don't drink so fast! 

Yeah, no, I'm getting this dare over with as fast as I can, dammit! *takes a chili pepper and washes it down with a cup of milk at the same time, wincing as he chews the pepper* Fucking hell! *turns to look at Rosy, already starting to get sweaty from eating the peppers* GET ME MORE FUCKING MILK, YOU DUMBASS BITCH! TWO CUPS AREN'T FUCKING ENOUGH!!! 

Rosy Star: Don't insult me! Dx *quickly runs off and after a minute she gets Gallus two more cups of milk*

*tries to eat two chili peppers at once just to speed up the process, but almost spits them out from the spiciness, sweating harder and his face flushing red from the heat* AHHHH! HOT, HOT! WHY DID I DO THAT?! UGH! *pants and drinks one of the cups of milk all in one gulp again*

*Afterwards, Gallus keeps up his little strategy; eating one pepper at a time and swallowing it down with milk or just drinking milk right afterwards, but doing it crazy fast. Once he's finished, he's still pretty sweaty and flushed from all the peppers, putting his head on the table and panting hard with his tongue out* 

Rosy Star: *also panting from how much Gallus rushed her, but giving a weak smile* Well, at least that's over with..! And it'll make our readers very hap--

Stupid motherfucking piece of shit dare from Tartarus my entire body is burning and I want to fucking DIE

Rosy Star: *watches awkwardly as Gallus keeps cursing in a long, angry ramble, until she ends up making a BEEP sound come from her horn to censor Gallus cussing/she cuts the noise out when he stops* ...Feeling better, Gallus?

You can't seriously be asking that! Of course I'm not better!  *gives a pained groan as his stomach starts growling* Maybe I did eat too fast....Uuuuggghhh. *weakly flops on his bed* Fucking shit... *gives a weak glare at Rosy* Make yourself useful and get me some medicine, dammit. I feel like I'm dying here!

Rosy Star: *unamused look* And what's the magic word, Gall--

*interrupts her in a loud whine* PLEEEEASE!! There, I said please! Would it kill you to cut me some slack? I'm a griffon in pain here! *groans again as he rubs his belly, which growled under his claws*

Rosy Star: *frowns a bit* Just give me a few minutes, okay? And before I go, do you want to say something to our read--?

Yeah, yeah, I know, say something to the happy little readers. *says in a sarcastic, mocking tone* I just want to be alone. And unless if something important happens, I want to be alone for a while

Rosy Star: I'll get going then. *she gallops out of Gallus's room as she hears him groan again, only talking once she closes Gallus's dorm door* Don't worry readers, he should be fine once he gets some medicine. And I'm willing to believe he's being a total Drama King, 'cause it wouldn't be the first time. *huffs and smiles a bit* I wish I could finish this chapter in a more heartwarming way, but I know I have to get going! See you all next time~!

((I hate to post this chapter so late, but every time I tried to work on it Mom would make me help with this and with that and gave me chore after chore. It doesn't help that I woke up late either,  which is why I couldn't get this chapter done until now. I really hope you all liked this 100th chapter and didn't find it miserable like Gallus did XDDD I love you all, and I hope you had a great day! Thank you so much for your support, and I hope to see you all once this book has 100th more chapters made~!))

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