I make a comeback in more ways than one (and with special guests!)

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Heeeeeeeeyy...I'm back! Let me just give you some time to give me an applause~

~*Insert pause to give me a warm welcome applause here*~

No, I'm not actually excited to be back on this book. But I know that YOU are. You all barely cared when Rosy wanted you all to get to know her better. *laughs a bit*

Rosy Star: Stop saying that!! D''':

It's the truth, and you know it! *snickers some more, while Rosy leaves and gives him an extreme angry pout* Anyways, I also want to start off with a joke in this chapter...it's how I block out all of the horrible misery Griffonstone gives me. 

Dare (by TorchTorque): Gallus, I dare you to invite your friends over to Griffonstone during your vacations for at least a day.

Dare (by TorchTorque): Gallus, I dare you to invite your friends over to Griffonstone during your vacations for at least a day

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*sarcastic tone* Yeah, thanks for making me dread my vacations to come. I had to wait to get this dare over with so I could finally be happy that I have summer break! ...I haven't actually gone back to Griffonstone in a long time. The last time was when I flew over to get that permission slip signed so my friends and I could commemorate the Tree of Harmony. I'd stay in my room in the school and pretend that was my home...I don't actually LIKE going to Griffonstone, and you all should've guessed that by now!

*breathes in and out* ...You're lucky the visit went a lot better than I expected. Otherwise, I'd be a lot more upset... *smiles a bit* Instead, I'd like to introduce the only two creatures that were there for me back at Griffonstone, just for some extra help to summarize what happened, and to serve as 'witnesses', if you will. I spent A LOT of time back at Griffonstone with my friends, and summarizing it all will be a pain for you to read and for me to recall. So, strap right in, you bunch of weirdos, and let's welcome our gue--!

*Suddenly, and with great speed, Gabby the Griffon flies right in!*

Gabby: HIYA!! Oh, I hope all of you wonderful, wonderful readers are having an awesome day!! 

*annoyed look* Gabby! You were supposed to wait until I properly introduced you! 

Gabby: *giggles* I'm sorry Gallus, but I'm just SO EXCITED that we're doing something like this together, for everyone to see and enjoy!! *squeals a bit as she hugs Gallus very tightly*

*grunts as he's pressed from her hug, then pulls her away* Calm down! My readers don't need that much energy! *looks to the corner of the room, and smiles* Just look at Grayson! Walking like a rockstar, too cool to care~

*Grayson, a gray cat, walked into Gallus's room, rubbing itself on Gabby and Gallus's legs*

*chuckles happily as Grayson rubs itself against him* THAT's how you make an entrance~

Gabby: *giggles, then gives a playful pout* But Gallus, you can't expect me to not be excited! I'm ALWAYS excited!! Especially when I make new friends, and especially when new my friends know my old best friends! *wraps an arm around Gallus as she says that, then directs herself to the readers* I'm Gabriella, but all of you can call me Gabby, since you're all my friends now! *sweet smile*

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