I'm kind of back, with an emotionless pony couple and a few 'technically's'

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*sighs happily* Oh, it's been a while since I've been FORCED into doing a chapter. I definitely prefer this slower writing pace!

Rosy Star: Well, my university just started this Monday, and I've had to do *cough*and wanted to do*cough* other things than keeping an eye on you. Even if it's not hard to do dares and questions without MY supervision, Gallus. 

*annoying smirk* Yeah, I'm not interested~ 

Rosy Star: Hmph, lazy griffon. -.- I wish you got a harder dare to do, but instead, this is the dare for this chapter. 

Dare (by CheesePieShipper_988): "I dare you to try and have a conversation with Maud and her coltfriend. If I had to do it so do you... If you need to know where they are ask Pinkie. She has a strange thing where she somehow knows exactly where ponies are..."

*squints, looking somewhat confused* Hey, what's with that username? I'm pretty sure Limestone had her own account. 

Rosy Star: Well, it doesn't seem like she does anymore. But I asked, and the girl from this account said that Limestone will see the dare if we link it to her..

Huh, she got sick of having an account here faster than I thought...Geesh, I've really been gone for a while. *gets out a folded piece of paper and a photo of Maud and Mudbriar* I just hope these directions Professor Pinkie gave me are accurate...They're a bit convoluted.  *opens the paper, and confetti pops out of it and hits him in the face, making him wince but also smile* I will NEVER get how does Professor Pinkie do that. *reads over the paper quickly* I think I might be back in half an hour. 

Rosy Star: Well, I can teleport you to wherever you need to go! *takes the paper from him and reads over it as well* This is Maud's house. I can teleport you there in a few seconds! *proud smile*

*sassy look* Oh really? Have you ever even been to her house?

Rosy Star: Trust me, I know how her place looks like.. *eyes dart around a bit* 

*squints* You have a weird look on your face, Ros--*eyes widen when the world flashes around him, and after he blinks he sees that he's right in front of Maud's cavern* ...Well, shut my mouth, she actually wasn't kidding. 

*looks around curiously in the forest, gaining a more worried look as he looks back at the cavern, and starts talking to himself* Right, Professor Pinkie's sister lives in a cave...Ugh, I-I hate caves... *shakes slightly as he looks inside the cavern, then wipes the sweat forming on his forehead* W-Well, maybe it's bigger on the inside....Limestone did say the cave is really pretty inside. 

*Gallus slowly starts to walk inside the cavern, his claustrophobia disappearing a little* This isn't so bad...It's not small and cramped, at least. Maybe this dare won't be--*his ear tufts quickly perk up as he hears a few rocks fall, making him jump and give a loud squawk in fear" CAAAHHWW--!!! *flies deeper into the cavern as fast as he can...but then quickly stops in his tracks* ....Woah...

*his eyes widen in awe as he looks around Maud's beautiful home, with its lovely waterfall, pretty gemstones, and bright green foliage. Gallus only stops looking around once he faintly hears Mudbriar's voice* 

Mudbriar: *walks towards Gallus, but talking to Maud* Technically, I was wrong when I said there's somepony else here. There's somegriffon else here. 

*tries to smile politely* Uh, hey! Sorry for coming in a bit out of the blue. I'm Gallus. *looks at Maud once he sees her* And I'm one of your sister Pinkie's students.

Maud: ...Okay. 

Mudbriar: *without changing his emotionless face* It's nice to meet you, Gallus.

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