The good ol' switcheroo, in the Gallus way~

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Dare (by Gypsy-Girl-727): I dare you to prank Smolder and Yona.

This is one of those chapters where we have to switch things up...heh, in more ways than one. *snickers a bit* Smolder has been traveling to the Dragon Lands, to spend some time with her family, especially with her brother. So once I found out, I knew I couldn't be able to do the prank in the moment, like I usually do for these chapters. Instead, I did this prank a few days in advance. Then I wrote everything down so that I could summarize the prank I pulled.... *huffs a bit, his ear tufts flopping back* The things I have to do just because it's summer break...I hate how my friends have to keep leaving to their homes, and I have no home...o-or family, to go to....And I hate how much I miss them when they DO leave...

*clears his throat* Wh-Whatever...I doubt any of you wants to listen to me be miserable. You all would rather hear me tell the great prank I pulled. *smirks, a bit forcefully* So let's get to it!

I pulled a favorite prank of mine that I like to call "The Switcheroo". Where I go to two rooms and switch whatever is in it with what's in the other~! I've done this one three times counting this prank. *snickers a bit* My favorite was when I switched all of the farm stuff in Professor Applejack's classroom with the boutique shop stuff from Professor Rarity's classroom. *laughs* That was a dozy, and the professors were PISSED! Even with the long detention I got afterwards, I don't regret it~! 

The idea to do this on Yona and Smolder came instantly. I switched all that I could in their rooms. First, I took some of Yona's stuff and put it in Smolder's room. I moved her big, super bouncy bed that she likes to hop in, probably to pretend that she's smashing something. I switched her food competition trophies, the few clothes she has, her school materials, and especially her Pony Pal trophy and a picture she has with Sandbar. Both of which are in her nightstand. *rolls his eyes* Not even yak girls can NOT be hopeless romantics, it seems. 

Then I did the same thing with Smolder. I switched that super hard bed of hers, that feels as cold and hard as a dead body...I don't know HOW does she sleep on it. I switched her school materials too, and the laptop she uses to work on her book on here... Heh, and of course, I had to switch those teacups and the dress she uses for those tea parties with Ocellus~ *evil smirk* 

...There was ALSO a teddy bear in ONE of the beds....I'll let you guess who you think it belongs to, just to be nice~~

I got pretty tired after having to do all of this switching, but I was able to rest for a bit as I went to hide, waiting for Smolder and Yona to go to their rooms. As for their reactions...I guess I can describe them in some sort of story format. Write in this book thing like if it was an ACTUAL book, for once. Let's see here..:

The cool, tough, very handsome, and very clever Gallus hid from the not-as-fierce dragon Smolder and the smelly but lovable yak Yona, waiting for their reactions once they saw his prank. 

Smolder was first to approach her room. She opened the door and entered her dorm, with casualty that she wouldn't have if she knew what the handsome Gallus did inside it. Our charming griffon protagonist snickered in the midst of a tense silence, a calm before the storm. A storm of Smolder screeching like an angry cockatrice. 

"YONA! WHERE ARE YOU?! Give me my stuff back!! What did you do to my room?!" Smolder screeched on her way out of her dorm and as she looked inside Yona's room.

With impeccable timing, Yona pranced happily on her way to her dorm. Gallus, the coolest griffon ever, did his best to not snicker any louder, which was quite the task. His prank was going perfectly!

Yona's green eyes widened as she noticed her dragon friend Smolder angrily looking into her room. With confusion, Yona approached Smolder, without the slighest idea of Gallus's great prank.

"Why dragon looking in Yona's room? Yona here!" Yona announced, in her pitchy voice and weird yak diction.

In typical confrontational fashion for Smolder, she pointed at Yona and gave her a threatening look, close to Yona's face. "I'M the one who should be questioning YOU! What did you do with my stuff?! All of YOUR stuff is all over my room!" 

Yona pushed Smolder away before defending herself, quickly offended by Smolder's accusation. "Yona not do anything with dragon stuff! Yona not know what happening! And yaks not come in rooms without permission!" The yak glared at Smolder back. 

"You're just playing dumb! Or how do you explain THIS?!" Smolder gestured inside her own room, letting Yona see the prank that the clever Gallus pulled on them. 

Yona's eyes widened as she gasped, dumbfounded by what she saw in Smolder's room. "Yona not know how this happened! Yona been outside of room all afternoon!" 

Before Yona and Smolder started fighting too much, our clever griffon protagonist slowly got out of his hiding spot, unable to control his laughter. As the yak and the dragon looked at him in annoyed confusion, Gallus had only one thing to say. "Gotcha~" 

Smolder growled, like an angry wolf...or a chihuahua. Yeah, chihuahua sounds better~ "You fucking smokehole." 

Gallus, the master prankster, flashed a perfect smirk to the dragoness. "Aww, don't talk to me like that~ It's not my fault I got dared to prank both of you!"

"Griffon prank Yona and dragon?" Yona asked, oblivious to the obvious answer and still looking confused.

"Well, duh! And I really did outdid myself~" Gallus snickered. 

"Yona see that griffon pulled good prank. But Yona upset that Gallus made Yona get accused!" Yona pouted, like a little griffon hatchling. 

Smolder flew up to feel taller and more intimidating than the good-looking Gallus, as she glared. "You're going to fix our rooms, and you're going to fix them in the EXACT way you saw them!"

Gallus, who had his attractive, athletic body in a tired state, gave a whine. "Can I do it later? Just by moving Yona's giant bed I'm worn-out!" 

"YOU'RE fixing our rooms NOW." As she let a pause linger, Smolder the dragonness gave a devilish smirk. "Either that, or I'll give you a nice dish of payback."

Gallus, our tough and strong protagonist, complied with Smolder's request. Not because he was in any way scared of Smolder's "payback", that's completely ridiculous to assume! But all because Gallus knew it's what a good friend should do. "Fine."

The end...technically. 

Ugh, writing all of that was EXHAUSTING to do... Sure, it was KIND OF fun, but only a little! Only eggheads find writing fun. But I'll feel a lot better if you tell me what a great prank I pulled~ ....Aaaand I guess you can make fun of my writing too. It's what I'd do if I had to read what you guys write.


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