Nothing says Nightmare Night like The Greatest Showcolt and TWO dares

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Sandbar: Happy EARLY Nightmare Night to our radical readers! Hope you all have some groovy costumes! I've got a sweet ghostbuster costume myself~! *points his Ghostbuster gun while humming a bit of the Ghostbusters song* And Smolder here is....uh....what are you supposed to be?

Smolder: *unamused look* You doofus. I'm dressed like the Dragon Lord! *shows off a fake bloodstone scepter and a fake dragon crown* Spike and Professor Rarity helped me get this costume set up. Now I'm Dragon Lord Smolder! *smirks, pointing her 'bloodstone scepter' at Sandbar* Now kneel before me!

Sandbar: *chuckles* If you say so. *kneels for Smolder* 

Smolder: *snickers* I should've thought of dressing up like this sooner! So, when are Yona and Ocellus getting here? It's their dare, after all. I just came to show off my costume~

Sandbar: I think they said they'd revise the lyrics one more time before coming over to sing. Guess we can just leave now? I don't think Ocellus would like us to watch her too. *chuckles* 

Rosy Star: *suddenly appears* Hey! Their dare is not the ONLY one for this chapter~! 

Sandbar: Woah...*eyes grow wide* that Gallus costume part of your dare?

Rosy Star: *poses in her pretty professional Gallus costume, with a very fluffy bright blue body suit and a tail like Gallus's, fake blue wings, a beak tied around her nose, a headband with Gallus's top feathers, and her shoes in the back looking like Gallus's l̶i̶t̶t̶l̶e̶ paws* Well, of course! I wouldn't dress up like Gallus because I'd WANT to..Hehe, especially because he'd try to kill me if I did. TorchTorque dared Gallus and I to dress up as each other for Nightmare Night a little while ago! *giggles*

Smolder: *snorts* N-No mean Gallus is dressed up like--*breaks down laughing as Gallus walks in* 

*Gallus, looking as unamused as ever, is wearing a wig like Rosy's mane; long, dark brown, and with light blue and gray streaks. He also has a pink horn on his head, pink pony ears over his ear tufts, and a drawing of Rosy Star's cutie mark on the sides of his butt*

Rosy Star: *not laughing, unlike Smolder and Sandbar* Your costume is so lazy, Gallus! What about my beautiful eyelashes?! And my lovely tail?! You could've painted yourself with the pink shade of my coat at least!  

*wordlessly holds up the middle 'finger' at Rosy* 

Rosy Star: >:cccc!! 

*glaring at Smolder and Sandbar, who were still laughing* Laugh it up. Go ahead, laugh as much as you want! 

Sandbar: *slowly stops laughing and stands himself up* Y-You're...y-you're letting others laugh at you?

No, I'm turning the other cheek. I've learnt with all the humiliating stuff I've done in my awful, awful book that my dumb readers just find my misery hilarious. And if THAT'S the case, I'm just going to act like this doesn't bother me that much so that they find these types of dares boring to do, and I'm finally given good stuff to do for a change! 

Smolder: *still snickering as Gallus is visibly trying not to blow up in anger* How's that working out for you~?

Bite me, Queeny.

Smolder: Hey, that's Dragon Lord Smolder to you! I'm going as a Dragon Lord, not a queen!

*groans a bit* I don't even celebrate this damn holiday. All I do is hang around you guys because I like spending time with you. I hate dressing up, and I'm not even allowed to eat too much candy back at school anymore! 

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