Getting to know Rosy Star ((or Nico)), part 1

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Rosy Star: Hi, faithful readers! Here I am, ready to confirm the assumptions left in the last chapter!

Rosy Star: ...Which weren't a lot. And I know it wasn't because of lack of reads, since the last chapter actually helped the book reach 7k reads. I guess I just didn't make myself clear enough. Well, no matter. I have enough assumptions to base a chapter around, at least, and when the chapter is done, you all will get to do something more familiar~! In the meantime, here are the assumptions I got!

First assumption, by TorchTorque: Your favorite color is green

Rosy Star: Nope! My favorite color is pink and it's always been pink! I even made it match my coat color for this unicorn form of mine~! Green isn't one of my favorite colors either, though I do like certain shades of it. I like sea green a lot, and I like dark green and emerald green. Fun fact, green is actually one of Gallus's favorite colors...or his favorite, I can't really remember. 

Second assumption, by -_silverstream_-: YOU LOVE BUNNY


Rosy Star: For all of you that don't know, Bunny is my pet rabbit! Who is an adorable, calm, and affectionate little angel <3 Here's a picture of him!

Rosy Star: For all of you that don't know, Bunny is my pet rabbit! Who is an adorable, calm, and affectionate little angel <3 Here's a picture of him!

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Rosy Star: He's a dwarf rabbit who is also totally an angel, take my word for it. And he's a lot smarter and a lot more affectionate than I imagined any rabbit to be! He's impossible not to love, and even Gallus really likes him! ...Granted, it's not mutual, Bunny is scared of Gallus. Since you know, Gallus is half lion, and predators and prey don't really mix. At least he's too small for Gallus to want to eat..


Rosy Star: He's lying on his own little bed that my aunt gave him! He loves it so much! *giggles, and after a pause she clears her throat*Anyways, I've been rambling about this baby boy for too long

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Rosy Star: He's lying on his own little bed that my aunt gave him! He loves it so much! *giggles, and after a pause she clears her throat*Anyways, I've been rambling about this baby boy for too long. Here's the last assumption I got!

Third assumption, by DerpyDragon988: You don't ship Flimjack

Rosy Star: You're right, I don't ship it. It's super rare that I ship two characters that hate each other in canon. It's not IMPOSSIBLE, but it's rare. I'm more prone to shipping characters that can get along, especially if they're really close. Or I'm more willing to ship characters that haven't even met! But shipping two enemies isn't my thing, and I don't know why it's such a popular idea. Not to mention that I just don't care much about the Flim Flam brothers. They're entertaining, but not much else. 

Rosy Star: Now with the assumptions out of the way, it's time to tell you what the part 2 of this chapter will bring~! Like I said, it's something you're all more familiar with. For one chapter only, you guys can ask me anything you want! This time, you can leave actual questions, and my answers won't be about saying yes or no. Like in this chapter, all of the questions will be put in one chapter, which is why dares are out of the question, those really take time. Just leave a question, and I will answer!

Rosy Star: I will be taking questions until Wednesday, where I will answer the questions! 'Cause by the next day, Gallus will have gotten his finals out of the way, and he'll be back to this book for the rest of the summer~! Until then, I'll see you all later with some questions answered~! 

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