Even my ideas are better than Rosy Star's, which shouldn't shock any of you

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Question (by TorchTorque): Question for BOTH GALLUS AND ROSY STAR: What would you like to do if you had the time or money?

*raises an eyebrow* Since when do you guys even care about Rosy?

Rosy Star: Hey, they've gotten to know me since this book was made! Of course they care about me! *pouts at Gallus, then gives a cute charming smile* I've got a great personality~

*glares at her* Keep telling yourself that. 

Rosy Star: *glares back* Well, you're a grumpy griffon who tells everyone how angry you are everyday of the week, so you're not one to talk!

I can be very likable if I feel like it, you little bitch! *looks like he's about to say something else, but he stops himself, as his angry look softens* In fact, you can go ahead and answer first. 

Rosy Star: *says a bit sarcastically* How polite of you. *ignores Gallus as he growls at her* If I had the time and money, well, I'd love to go back to Disney World~! I did go over there once, but because I don't deserve to have nice things apparently, it wasn't too fun... My mom fell on the way there, because the little kart they have to take people to Disney World was too high for her to get on... *sighs* She ended up on a wheelchair, and I had to push her the WHOLE day... I would love to go over again, and have fun the ENTIRE time there, instead of just having fun every now and then. Have The Dream Trip to Disney World everyone has.

*was looking at Rosy Star in confusion* Wait, hold on, people? What does that word mean? Don't you mean creatures?

Rosy Star: *nervous look* Ehehehehe, Gallus, you should clean those ears of yours! I said CREATURES, not people!! <:D

*glares* I have good hearing, Ros--


*scoffs* I guess I'll just assume you're talking crazy, as usual. On the topic at claw, however...THAT'S all you would do? Go to a theme park? You do realize this dare has no restrictions, right?

Rosy Star: I'm just answering honestly!

And un-creatively. *mocking smirk* If I had the time and money, I wouldn't restrict myself to just go to a theme park. I'd fly all across Equestria! Sandbar has traveled all around Equestria, and he actually makes a lot of those pony places sound pretty cool. And the money could be used for any stop I'd make to check some attraction out, or just to buy food. 

Rosy Star: *smirks back at him* Aren't you the one who taunts Sandbar and pony culture? Why do YOU want to explore around Equestria?

*glares* Can I not like pony culture for a while? I only poke fun at Sandbar and pony traditions when it's about their cheesy happy songs, or their magical friendship objects, or anything that's too lovey-dovey for a griffon's taste. *smiles a bit* I won't deny that, from what I've seen of Equestria, it's gorgeous, and that Griffonstone can eat it's nonexistent heart out by just how pretty Ponyville is. And Ponyville's supposed to be the run of the mill town in Equestria, the bigger, grander places must be super cool! 

*side-eyes Rosy as he notices her smirking at him more* But if you tell Sandbar any of this, I will fuck you up. I don't want you to ruin my 'mocking pony conventions to Sandbar' shtick! It's our thing!

Rosy Star: If you want to prove that you're NOT a tsundere, you're doing a terrible job at it~

STOP CALLING ME THAT! Ugh, you just HAD to try and end the chapter calling me that, didn't you?! Dx

Rosy Star: Yep~! *cute smirk, then grins* Thank you so much for asking me, dude...or dudette! Hope you liked this chapter!

*scowling* And I hope Rosy doesn't get any questions again. 

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