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H/C- Hair colour
S/C- Skin colour
E/C- Eye Colour

(All these Pokémon either are in or have evolved from their first evolution and don't worry hen will obtain more pokemon as he travels to all the other regions and will see and obtain Pokémon in the galar region and you never know what legendary Pokémon he may meet.)

Name {Y/N) (L/N)

He is a trainer who has travelled to many different regions and has collected all sorts of Pokémon.

Dream: befriending all sorts of people and Pokémon everywhere.

(A/N): at least that's what he says, but what he really means he's a trainer for fun and adventure

(Y/N): Shhhhh! I'm trying to make it sound more sophisticated.

(A/N): nope not letting it happen. By the way using more abstract and bigger words isn't going to hide it.

(Y/N): I know

(A/N): anyway enough about that let's not waste the people's time no longer and continue.

Pokémon he has caught already (when he first meets ash and goh)

What he caught/evolved in: kanto

Partner pokemon (dragonite) he had it since it was a dratini and the first pokemon in his first journey in the kanto region- always with him in every region, although it didn't always listen to him when it first evolved as it had major anger issues and could easily be provoked at the time.

Gen 1 pokemon: beedrill,fearow,rhydon,omanyte,venemoth,seadra,porygon,pidgeot,jynx, golduck, nidorino, nidorina, kingler

What he caught/evolved in: Johto

Gen 2 Pokémon: eevee,ledyba,flaafy,Magby,quagsire,(hatched) larvitar,remoraid,clefairy, delibird, houndoom, miltank, bellosom, tyrogue, elekid

What he caught/evolved in: Hoenn

Gen 3 pokemon: Absol,breloom,sableye,mawile,vibrava,dusclops,wailmer,swablu,whismur,aron,deoxys

What he caught/evolved in: Sinnoh

Gen 4 Pokémon: shinx,Roselia,aipom,rotom,snover,togekiss(hatched from a togepi egg),lickylicky

What he caught/evolved in: Unova

Gen 5 Pokémon: scolipede,seismitoad,vullaby,rufflet,larvesta,conkelldur,liepard,deino, dewott, Haxorus

What he caught/evolved in: Kalos

Gen 6 pokemon:pyroar,clauncher,skrelp,(shiny) trevenant,gogoat,bergmite,heliolisk, florges

What he caught/evolved in: Alola

Gen 7 Pokémon: toucannon, crabomible,kommo-o,salazzle,(shiny) minior,passimian,meltan, pheramosa,gumshoos, (totem sized) araquanid, alolan raticate, Alolan raichu, alolan sandslash.

That is all for now and we shall see the grand adventure to all regions (Y/N), ash and goh will go until next time. Don't forget throughout the story some and possibly all of these Pokémon will evolve throughout his journies throughout the different regions

((A/N) note: fun fact (Y/N) and ash met eachother all the way back in kanto during what we,the viewers, call Pokémon Mewtwo strikes back but due to mind erasing by Mewtwo when those two introduced themselves and became friends was erased and they didn't remember eachother and haven't met all the way until journeys.)

Unfortunately it won't play a role.

Or will it? Who knows really since that's up to me or if the story involves mewtwo in some way which face it it's a gen 1 legendary in a series where they travel to different regions so most likely.

Pokémon journeys Male reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now