Avengers - Cold

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(Little christmas gift for y'all, if it says ezrah just change it to your name it was originally for someone else)

You shake from the cold, your body pained and tired. You were going to freeze, or starve soon. But you didn't care, this was what you deserved after everything you'd done.

"Yeah good idea Steve, send the ex villain and the ex hydra assassin on a mission alone." A man grumbled as you looked up at the locked door.

"I honestly think they just wanted to get us out of the tower, this place is empty and abandoned for years." Another man said as you crawled over to the door and knocked on it as hard as your body could handle.

"Help!" You shouted out weakly as your body fell to the floor.

"Bucky, I think I heard something." The man muttered as you heard a loud bang and looked up to see one of the men had kicked down the door.

"Shit, Loki come look at this." Bucky said as Loki came into the room to see you shivering on the cold ground.

"H-Help me, please." You whispered as Bucky ran to your side.

"She's freezing, we gotta get her out of her." He said as Loki quickly took off his coat and wrapped it around you. You instantly cuddled into the warm fabric and let Bucky gently pick you up.

"Come on, we'll get you safe and warm in the jet. I'm Bucky and this is Loki, can you tell us your name?" Bucky said as you looked up at him weakly.

"Y/N." You whispered as he smiled and looked down at you.

"That's a beautiful name." He said as you smiled gently and closed your eyes.

"Hey, stay with me." He muttered while they made their way out to the jet.

"Wanna sleep." You whispered as they finally made it into the jet.

"Friday, get us back to the tower and blast the heating." Loki said as the jet closed up and began its ascend into the sky. Bucky gently laid you across the seats and wrapped you up in jackets he found.

"I wonder how long they had left her there." Bucky whispered running his hand over your cheek.

"I sense magic, maybe she has power. But I don't know why they would leave her there to die." Loki said as Bucky nodded.

"We'll figure it out. Doll, can you hear me?" Bucky asked as you whined a little and nodded.

"I need you to try and stay with me until we get back to tower. Can you do that for me doll?" He asked as you opened your eyes and nodded.

"We're almost there." Loki whispered as he smiled to you.

"Winter." You muttered while looking a Bucky.

"What?" He asked as you gripped onto his hand.

"You're the Winter Soldier." You whispered as he sighed.

"Yes, I was. Did we meet in Hydra?" He asked as you nodded.

"J-Just briefly a few times. I could see you were pained, but kind." You whispered gently smiling as he smiled back.

"We're gonna keep you safe angel."

The jet finally landed and Bucky gently picked you up as him and Loki made their way back into the tower.

"Friday, get Bruce and Tony into the infirmary." Loki said as Bucky and him made their way into the elevator.

"Wanna sleep." You whispered as you closed your eyes.

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