Just an A.I - Part 2

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(Ok ok ok I gotta just ahhh omg. So the song they used for Loki episode 3 entrance IS MY FAVOURITE SONG I've been listening to it non stop for months. And it wasn't very popular, not many people knew it and I heard it on Loki and I died I was hyperventilating and shaking like i hadn't been that excited in a long time ahaha. but yeah if you wanna know the song its "Demons by Hayley Kiyoko" its an amazing song!)

You learnt that the man in Hydra with you was named Mr. Ray. You began training everyday with him and others in Hydra. Good memories of Tony were gone, all that existed was the bad memories. The hatred, the fights, the neglect, the pain it all boiled into your want to hurt him as much as you could. And destroy your replacement.

"Are you sure you're ready to see Tony again?" Ray asked as he brushed a piece of hair away from your face.

"Of course sir, I want nothing more than to destroy him." You replied making him smile with pride.

"Very good." He said before you grabbed your weapons and suited up.

This was going to be a solo mission, Ray would be seeing everything through a live camera but other than that you were alone.

You got onto your motorbike and headed into the city, it was an hours drive. But it gave you plenty of time to think, think about how much you would destroy Tony. He had destroyed you, he had replaced you, he had lied to you, he was your enemy.

You finally made it to the Avengers tower and smiled. Ray said you didn't need to go in quiet, Tony needed to know you were there. You smashed through the glass and got into the elevator smiling as you did so.

"Avengers! Code red! Someone has broken in!" Friday said as your replacement A.I looked up.

"Sir, I'm ready for any threat." She said as he summoned his suit.

"Good, Kara." He muttered as the rest of the team pointed their weapons at the elevator.
The doors opened to reveal you smiling leaning against the back wall.

"Well, isn't this lovely. You've all come to see me." You said knowing they wouldn't recognise you.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Steve said as you rolled your eyes and licked your lips.

"Hello captain, good to see your lovely face again. If I remember, you were the one who wanted to get rid of me." You said stepping out of the elevator.

"Answer the question." The new A.I, Kara said as you laughed.

"And there she is, my lovely replacement." You replied, they all looked at you in confusion.

"Perhaps I should jog your memories." You said as you stood up straight and put on a fake smile.

"Of course Mr. Stark, I'll do that right away sir, yes I follow your orders, I'm just a dumb replaceable robot." You said in a face voice as Tony's eyes widened.

"Y/N." He whispered while you laughed and looked at him.

"Bingo." You hissed pulling out your gun and quickly shooting Tony in the chest hitting his reactor as you laughed maniacally.

"Bulls-eye!" You shouted before Steve tackled you to the ground, you quickly threw him off you and punched him in the face.

"I'll make all of you pay for what you did to me!" You screamed grabbing your sword, you went for your replacement first.

You were both locked in a heated battle while you fought off the team at the same time.

"You think they actually care about you!? Once you've done everything you can they'll throw you away and replace you. They probably never even mentioned me did they!" You screamed grabbing her head and bringing it down on your knee roughly.

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