Steve - Trauma

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(Deals with age reverting. So I'm at the stage in my life where I'm starting to uncover what happened to me as a kid. It's going to be a really hard journey, but I know I can get through it and heal from what happened. This story will just be getting some things out and my way of coping, so trigger warning)

How did it hurt so much? When it happened so long ago?

"Y/N?" You heard a voice say as you looked behind you to see Steve coming out onto the roof of the avengers building with you. You quickly wiped your tears away and smiled.

"H-Hey Steve." You muttered as he looked at you with concern.

"What's wrong sweetie?" He asked looking down at you.

"N-Nothing, just hormones and stuff." You whispered not sounding convincing at all.

"Are you having flashbacks again?" He asked quietly as you nodded and began to cry. He gently wrapped his arms around you as you began to sob.

"Just remember you're here with me, you're not there." He whispered gently running his fingers through your hair.

"I don't understand why it's so hard, I should be over it by now." You whispered trying your best to string words together.

"You haven't had any time to process it. You're finally having some quiet and peace, so all those memories are rushing back." Steve said as you nodded and slowly pulled away.

"Bucky went through years of torture and I'm worse than him." You muttered as Steve gently wiped away your tears with his thumb.

"But you were a child when it happened to you, of course it stuck with you." He replied, you nodded and closed your eyes. Steve was the only one that knew about your trauma. For some reason you just trusted him more than anyone. He was so understanding and comforting to you, ever since you'd told him.

"You want to come down stairs and have some dinner? Then we can watch a movie if you want." Steve suggested tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear as you smiled.

"Y-Yeah that would be nice." You muttered making Steve smile as he took your hand and led you back inside to the elevator.

"You can sleep in my bed again tonight if you want, then if you have nightmares I'm right there to help." Steve said making you blush a little.

"I-I would really like that, my body and mind seem to relax a lot more when there's someone with me." You admitted as Steve smiled, the doors opened and you followed Steve out to the main room.

"Everyone want pizza?" Steve asked as everyone looked up at you both.

"Hell yeah!" Peter said making you chuckle. Everyone else agreed and you went to the fridge to grab out the many bottles of soda Thor had bought.

"Everyone up for a movie night?"

You had eaten dinner and were now sat on the couch with Steve and the team. You had fallen asleep on Steve's shoulder.

"When are you two finally going to date?" Tony said making Steve blush a little.

"I-It's not like that." Steve muttered as everyone chuckled.

"Come on Cap, we can all see how much you like each other." Peter said as Steve looked down at your peacefully sleeping face.

"Maybe, but it doesn't concern you guys." Steve replied as the team laughed again.

"You're such an old man." Bucky said as Steve nudged him.

"N-No, e-enough." You whispered in your sleep as everyone looked at you.

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