Zemo - Betrayal

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(This one is very different, but someone suggested doing Zemo and I just ran with it. None of this is exact to the show, I'm making it all up. If this isn't your thing just skip over it. But if it is your thing, enjoy darling)

Your alpha had been gone for so long, it was just you at his mansion. Apart from his employees, chefs, maids and all of that stuff rich people have. You loved being here, you never had to worry about money or anything really. But you missed your alpha, he had been gone for so long.

Bucky had successfully released Zemo for prison. They were now on their way to his mansion on his private jet.

"Where are we going first?" Sam asked as Zemo looked up.

"We're going to my mansion in Germany. I need to see my dear omega, she's been alone far too long." He replied as Bucky and Sam looked at him in shock.

"You have an omega?" Sam said in disbelief making Zemo chuckle.

"Yes I do Sam. Her name is Y/N." Zemo said pulling a photo of you out of his jacket pocket and handing it to Sam and Bucky.

"Wow, she's beautiful. Did you buy her?" Bucky commented as Zemo laughed again.

"No, I did not buy her. We found each other when I was in America." He explained taking the photo back.

"You must miss her." Sam said as Zemo looked down at your picture and smiled.

"Very much."

You were asleep on the couch when you heard a commotion. You snuck out to the main room to see two men entering. You ran at them and tackled one to the ground before you caught the scent of something familiar.

"Good to see you still know how to protect yourself." You heard a voice say as you looked up to see your alpha. Your eyes widened and you jumped off the other man into the arms of your alpha.

"Alpha! You're back!" You shouted as he smiled and wrapped his arms around you.

"I missed you so much my love." He whispered running his fingers through your hair.

"I missed you too, I missed you so much." You whispered back hugging him as tight as you could.

"Darling, this is Bucky and Sam." He said slowly pulling away and introducing you to the men you had attacked.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Y/N." You said shaking both of their hands as they smiled at you.

"We'll stay here a few days and then head out to the Hydra base." Zemo said as you pouted and looked up at him.

"You're coming with us of course my love." He said making you smile and kiss him softly.

"I'm going to need my talented omega there incase anyone tries to hurt us." Zemo said making you chuckle.

"Y/N is trained in many fighting techniques, she originally worked for Hydra." Zemo explained as you grabbed the mens bags and showed them inside.

"Zemo rescued me from Hydra, I'm forever thankful he found me." You said as Bucky and Sam listened, if they were being honest they were a bit hesitant with you. For one you were Zemo's omega and also from Hydra, they needed to keep an eye on you.

"I'll show you to a spare room, there's a bathroom there where you can freshen up." You said bringing the bags up the stairs, beckoning for the men to follow you. Zemo left to his own room and you showed Bucky and Sam to two spare rooms.

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