Bucky - Cerberus

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You finally had a break from your life. You escaped to your beach house in Malta, you needed to lay low for a while. No, you didn't work for Hydra. You also didn't work for Shield, you worked for Cerberus. Never heard of it? Good it meant they were staying hidden. They were somewhere between shield and hydra, not bad but also not good. You hadn't had any missions for a month so you decided to come to Malta and stay in your beach house. No one knew about it. Or so you thought.

You had finished in the shower and stepped out wrapping a towel around your body. You dried off and got changed into an oversized teeshirt and underwear. You bent down to wash your face when you felt a hand snake around your waist. You were about to attack when your attacker grabbed your hand and pushed you against the counter making you defenceless.

"Are you afraid?" The man whispers into your ear, you could feel his stubble against your neck.

"I'm not afraid." You whispered back making the man chuckle a little.

"Why not?" He growled into your ears as you smirked.

"Because I've been fucked by monsters bigger than you." You growled breaking your hand free and elbowing him in the gut. He pulled out a gun and pointed to your head as you chuckled. You got a good look at him and shook your head.

"The winter soldier." You whispered as he glared at you.

"I'm not the winter soldier anymore. I escaped Hydra, I tracked you down here. I know you can help me. Vixen." He growled as your eyes widened.

He knew your alias?

You looked down to see him gripping his stomach as you saw blood trickle down his hand.

"You're hurt, stop pointing that gun at me and I'll help you." You growled as he lowered the gun.

"Does Hydra know where I am?" You asked grabbing his hand and leading him out to the lounge room making him sit on the couch.

"No, I escaped. There was talk on the streets about a woman who could help people like me. I got the information I needed and tracked you down. It took me two months." He grumbled as you gently moved his hand to see a nasty gash on the left side of his stomach.

"And how did you manage this?" You asked as he looked down at you.

"None of your business." He growled as you rolled your eyes.

"Have some respect, I'm the one who's going to save your life." You growled pressing on his wound as he cried out in pain.

"F-Fine! When I got here there were two men outside of your door, they were about to break in so I stopped them and killed them. But they sliced me with a blade." He explained as you nodded and took your hand away.

"Stay here while I get the med supplies. You're lucky I don't just kill you and dump you in the ocean." You grumbled standing up making your way to the kitchen to find the med cabinet.

"Who do you work for Vixen?" The soldier asked as you sighed.

"That's not for you to know, and call me Y/N." You said grabbed the box of med supplies and headed back to the man.

"What's your real name?" You asked him pulling up a small foot rest to sit on in front of him.

"B-Bucky." He muttered as you nodded.

"I need you to take off your vest and shirt so I can get to the wound easier." You said as he nodded and stripped off his shirt and bullet proof vest revealing a scarred bloodied torso. He sat back down and leant against the back of the couch as you handed him a bottle of whiskey.

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