Bucky - Here

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(You're in a different body in this so it isn't your own)

You gasped and woke up in a new bed as you looked around. Holy fuck you had done it, you made it to this universe.

"Holy mother fucking toad." You muttered looking down at your hands. You ran to the mirror across the room to see your new body.

You were about 6 foot tall (that's my height), with curly brown hair down to your hip, you looked about 35 and you had a large scar down the right side of your face. You were wearing a teeshirt and bed shorts.

"Damn, she's badass." You whispered running your finger down the scar. You grabbed a hair tie and tied your hair back.

"Right! Shit the thing I actually came here for. If I'm right she should have... bingo!" You said seeing a steel bracelet on your wrist. You wrapped your hand around it and a suit wrapped around your body, much like ironman's nano tech. Goggles formed around your eyes as a hood formed over your head. You looked in the mirror seeing the suit.

"Damn." You muttered to yourself. You looked good.

"Right! Gotta save Bucky." You said raiding the closet for guns and weapons. You came out of the room seeing an expensive penthouse as your eyes widened.

You shook your head and ran out the door grabbing some keys, knowing there would be a motorbike in the buildings garage that belonged to you.

You got into the elevator and took a deep breath.

"I just woke up now I'm going to save Bucky Barnes, this is going to be a wild day."

You had gotten your motorbike and you were on your way to where you knew Bucky would be fighting with Steve.

You finally made it there and saw The Winter Soldier readying the rocket launcher. You stayed away a bit and grabbed out your sniper rifle hitting all of the hydra agents without the soldier realising. You got back on your bike just as he launch the rocket at Black Widow.

"Soldier! Get on!" You shouted as he looked behind at you.

"That's an order!" You shouted at him as he got onto your motorbike with you without another word.

"I'm getting you the fuck out of here!" You shouted speeding off down the road.

"Bucky!" You heard Steve yell in the distance, you didn't care you had to keep going.

You rode for a while until your reached your building and went down to the garage. Bucky got off the motorbike with you as he grabbed you by the throat.

"Who are you?" He growled as you let your mask retract.

"My name is Y/N, I'm here to save you from Hydra." You whispered trying to breath. His hand dropped as he shook his head.

"No, n-no Hydra needs me. I can't just l-leave." He whispered as you gasped and caught your breath back.

"Yes, you can Bucky." You whispered back as he looked at you in shock.

"T-That man on the bridge. He called me Bucky." He muttered as you gently grabbed onto his hand and pulled him along.

"Come with me, I'll help you." You said as he followed you into the elevator.

"Who do you work for?" He grumbled as you turned around to look at him.

"I don't work for anyone." You replied. He went silent the rest of the way, the doors opened up to your floor as you led him into your apartment.

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