Yelena - The Search

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(I haven't seen Blackwidow yet because it's not out on Disney plus lol but I'll try my best. In this Nat never died)

Nat was with Clint at Tony's funeral.

"You gonna come have a drink with us all?" Clint asked as Nat shook her head.

"Nah, I need to catch up with someone." She replied making her friend smile.

"Call me whenever you need." Clint said before leaving. Nat got onto her motorbike, she knew where she needed to go, to Yelena.

After an hour of driving she finally arrived at the small suburban house Yelena had been laying low in after everything that had happened.

She knocked on the door and waited for it to open to see her sister.

"You're not dead!" Yelena said opening the door making Nat chuckle.

"You saved the universe and all that bullshit." She continued letting her sister into her small house.

"I really thought I wouldn't make it out alive, so I wanted to see you again."

The two caught up and talked for a while until Yelena stopped.

"I'm sorry about Steve and Tony. I know how much they meant to you." Yelena muttered as Nat smiled sadly. Nat had never guessed Steve would've saved her on Vomir and sacrificed himself. But then again she knew Steve, he would always sacrifice himself for someone else.

"It's okay." Nat muttered as Yelena looked at her with narrowed eyes.

"What else is it?" She asked, Nat looked up and sighed.

"Steve always talked about someone. Her name was Y/N, Steve knew he before he was Captain America, then she got captured by Hydra. Bucky said they kept her in cryo for years on end. But every time Steve was close to finding her Hydra would move her, now Hydra is taken down, Steve is gone. I just can't stop thinking she's out there in some abandoned Hydra base, it was Steve's only regret, that he couldn't save her." Nat explained as she looked down at the beer in her hand.

"So, why don't we find her?" Yelena said making Nat chuckle.

"You're crazy." Nat muttered drinking from the beer bottle.

"Come on! You're not going anything Avengers wise, we can catch up and go on a scavenger hunt!" Yelena exclaimed excitedly as Nat chuckled.

"Maybe we could, maybe then I can truly let go of Steve." Nat whispered.

"Alright, let's do it." Nat said as Yelena smiled.

"Road trip!"

Nat and Yelena had made it to Germany where their first search would begin. They had done some research and know this was the last base they had you at.
They pulled up on a motorbike each just outside the abandoned base.

"You ready?" Nat asked as Yelena nodded and secured her gun behind her back.

"Of course." Yelena replied as they headed into the base.

They found a secure door and attached a bomb to it before taking cover.

They door blew open and they made their way inside. The place was covered in dust and mould.

"Definitely hasn't been anyone here for a long time." Yelena said looking around the dark lab they had come into. They walked down the stairs and looked around.

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