Bucky - Vent

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(Just a vent piece I did to deal with some stuff. Trigger warning ptsd and past sexual abuse)

I stood on the roof of the Avengers building as I sighed and looked out onto the city. Up here I felt free, I felt like I was safe. Like all of the worlds worried would just drift away up here.

"Didn't think I would find anyone up on my spot at this time." I heard a voice say as I turned around to see Bucky. It was 2am in the morning, I understand why he was surprised to see me.

"Sorry, but you're not the only one on the team with nightmares now." I said making him chuckle. I had only come to the team a few weeks ago, Bucky and I had clicked instantly. Something about him made me feel at home and safe. I was different from other humans, I had power. Similar to Wanda, I could manipulate energies. I was becoming a danger to society so the Avengers took me in.
Bucky stood beside me and looked out into the city as he sighed.

"So, what's got you awake at this hour?" Bucky asked as I chuckled a little.

"Same reason you're awake Barnes. Nightmares." I whispered in return not looking at him.

"Did you always have power?" Bucky asked as my smile fell.

"N-No, I only discovered it around fourteen." I muttered as Bucky nodded.

"What made you discover it?" He asked making me look away from him.

"O-Oh I'm sorry if that's a sensitive subject." Bucky said as I smiled a little.

"No, it's okay. I have PTSD, one day it got too much and my power surfaced." I explained as he nodded.

"If you ever need to talk about what happened to you...you can talk to me. I know it's hard to talk about but it's nice to know that someone is there to talk to." Bucky said as I turned to him.

"I-I was abused as a kid." I muttered as he turned to me but kept his arm resting on the railing of the roof.

"Like beaten?" He asked as I shook my head and aimlessly played with my hands.

"N-No, I was...sexually abused." I whispered as Bucky looked into my searching eyes.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry." He whispered as i smiled and shook my head trying to not cry.

"It was a guy at school. I never had anyone to talk to or sit with, so he would sit with me. Tell me I wasn't alone. I don't remember much, i just remember him saying how pretty i looked in my school dress. I remember him...touching me and making me do things." I whispered as i began to cry and covered my face.

"I was six when it started...and it went on for another three years." I whispered breaking down even more as Bucky wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly.

"Fuck, doll I'm so sorry. I promise you're safe now, he can't ever touch you or hurt you again. You're safe here." Bucky whispered running his hand through my hair as i sobbed.

"Why did he do it? Why is he the monster yet I'm the one being punished?" I sobbed out as Bucky only hugged me tighter.

"You're not being punished doll, you're just trying to get through it." Bucky replied, he just kept holding me while i sobbed in his arms.
Soon i became exhausted as i felt uneasy on my feet. Bucky gently picked me up and carried me back into the elevator.

"I'll take you to bed doll, you're safe." Bucky whispered as i rested my head on his chest and gently closed my eyes.
We made it down to my room where Bucky laid me on my bed gently.

"Please stay." I whispered helplessly as he looked down at me and smiled. I moved over on the bed and he climbed in beside me, i cuddled into him as he chuckled a little and wrapped his arms around me.

"Y/N. How did you get through it?" Bucky whispered as i opened my eyes a little.

"I suppose...you just become two different people. The scared little kid and...the person who just makes it through the day." I whispered before closing my eyes again.

"Get some rest Y/N."

Bucky awoke around 4am to see i wasn't in bed. He heard crying and looked up to see i was hugging myself in the corner of the room and crying.
He quickly got up and slowly made his way to me.

"Hey doll, it's okay." He whispered kneeling down a few feet away from me.

"Why? Why did it happen?" I whispered hopelessly as Bucky looked at me sadly.

"I was a kid. I was just a kid!" I screamed hitting my fist against my head as Bucky quickly grabbed my wrists.

"No Y/N, don't do that. It's okay doll, I promise you're safe. It's you and me here." He whispered as i looked up at him.

"I-I want my unicorn." I whispered as he looked at me in confusion and i pointed at the bed where a big stuffed purple unicorn lay.
Bucky slowly let go of me and made his way to the bed to get the big purple unicorn. He brought it to me and i held it to my chest as i cried.

"I don't want to hurt anyone." I whispered through my sobs, Bucky slowly sat beside me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders as I cuddled into him.

"It's okay doll, I'm here. It's just us two, no one will ever hurt you again. So long as I'm alive you'll always be safe." Bucky whispered as i sobbed.

"I'm here every step of the way."

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