Bucky - Serum

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"You're a fucking monster."

You gasped and woke up from your deep slumber. You looked around your dull and darkened room. A bed and a toilet, it was more of a cell then a room. Grey walls, grey floor, that's it. No windows, just a door. You sighed and curled up on your bed as you shivered. There was no blankets either. You just needed to wait for your commander to come and lead you to the labs. Where you would do another waste-less day of work.

"Get up Y/N!" You heard someone shout and pound on your door as you groaned. A guard opened a door and threw your uniform at you.

"Get dressed." He demanded as you nodded and quickly got changed into the uniform. He grabbed you and dragged you down the halls as you kept up with his fast steps. He dragged you into the lab and threw you onto the floor.

"Do not treat my best doctor in such a manor!" You heard a voice shout as you looked up to see Pierce, he helped you up off the floor.

"Thank you Sir." You muttered as he dismissed the guard. He ran his finger over your cheek as you kept your eyes down.

"I've come in possession of a new toy dear, his name is James. He's a perfect fit for my new plans, I want you to recreate this serum. Enough to inject into our new friend. And make him a super soldier." He said as he handed you a small test tub with a green liquid inside.

"Recreate it within two weeks or there will be consequences. You remember the last time you took too long don't you?" He asked as he smiled and caressed your cheek.

"Of course Sir, I will do as you say." You said making him smile more.

"Good, you don't go back to your bed until you've done this successfully. If you behave enough I'll give you a small pillow. There's a bucket in the corner for the other 'things.'" He said while smirking, you kept your eyes down and nodded.

"Thank you for this opportunity Sir." You replied before he left you with the serum. You couldn't stop your hands from shaking, if you didn't complete this serum perfectly in two weeks, who knows what Pierce would do to you. You careful placed the serum into another tube and began your work.

You hadn't slept in three days, you were so exhausted. You heard a noise and looked behind you to see Pierce.

"Sir." You greeted him as he smiled and made his way over to you.

"How's the serum coming along darling?" He asked as you looked down, your hands were shaking and you could barely stand.

"It's going very well Sir, it should be ready for testing in five days." You said as he smiled proudly.

"Very good, why don't you come back to my quarters and take a shower and a little nap. I need your mind clear for you to finish this." He said as your eyes widened, he was never in a good mood like this.

"It's alright Sir, I'll be ok." You replied feeling him run his hand through your hair.

"No strings attached dear, I'm in a good mood and you deserve a reward for your hard work." He said as you looked up at him.

"O-Only if you're sure Sir." You muttered making him smile. He grabbed your hand and guided you out of the lab and into the halls where you kept your head low and your eyes away from anyone. He brought you into his quarters, they were a lot better than yours to say the least.

"I have a lot to attend to dear but you go ahead and take a shower and then sleep. I'll come wake you up to get back to work later." He said before he left. He's just leaving you alone in his room? What is going on? You slowly crept to the shower and looked around for any hidden cameras, there was nothing luckily. You stripped you dirty clothes off and stepped into the shower, you couldn't remember the last time you had a shower with privacy and warm water. You sighed in relief as the warm water ran over your body and let your muscles relax.

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