Stephen - Rescue

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(Hope you like it!)

There was another attack on the city, this one felt worse then the last.
You were working at a cafe when a building was struck and came crumbling down.

“Everyone evacuate!” Your boss yelled as you quickly grabbed your bag and ran out the door. Where the hell where you going to go? You’re apartment was across town and you couldn’t exactly get a taxi.

“Y/N, there’s an emergency evacuation point near the subway down the road go there!” Your boss yelled as you nodded and began making your way there. It was getting out of hand, you could see the Avengers trying to fight off whatever alien was attacking.
Suddenly you heard a large explosion and looked up the see the building above you falling. You ran as fast as you could but it was to late, you jumped into a large pothole and the road as the building collapsed on top of you. Some rubble fell and crushed your arm as you cried out in pain.

“Help!” You screamed out as you began to cry and panic. What if they never found you?

“Help!” You screamed again, you couldn’t hear or see anything. The building had blocked you off from everything.

“Please! Someone!” You screamed more, no one would hear you. You sat down and cradled your arm as you cried softly.


“I think that’s the last of them, Stephen and Wanda go search for injured civilians.” Steve said as they nodded and began walking around the streets. He came across a large building that had crumbled to the floor.

“Is anyone here!?” You heard voice shout.

“Down here! Please!” You screamed as loud as you could.

“Hold on I’ll get you out!” He shouted back, suddenly a broken wiped came crumbling down and sliced your side as you screamed in pain. Light flooded in as you cried and held your side with your injured arm. You looked up to see Dr. Strange as he picked you up gently with his magic and laid you on the ground.

“M-My arm, a-and side.” You whispered as you cried.

“Cap I have a civilian with a possibly fatal injury, the hospitals are full she won’t make it. I can help her, is it ok to bring her back to the tower?” Strange asked into his com.

“Yeah I’ll let Bruce know.” Cap replied as Strange bent down and gently picked you up.

“I’m taking you back to the Avengers tower to help you.” He said as you nodded.

He brought you back to the tower and into the infirmary. He quickly got to work as you slowly fell unconscious.
Bruce came in and they both swang into action to stitch up your wound.


You felt so groggy, you groaned as you slowly opened your eyes.

“She’s waking up.” You heard a voice say as you opened your eyes fully to see Dr. Strange.

“Fuck.” You groaned as he chuckled.

“Take it slow.” He said as he helped you sit up a little in the bed.

“How are you feeling?” He asked as you looked down to see a bandage around your torso and a cast on your arm.

“Sore, but thankful you heard me. Thank you.” You said as he smiled.

“Of course, all the hospitals are full so you’ll have to stay here for at least 24 hours just so I can keep an eye on you. After that I’ll give you my number and you can call me if there’s any other problems, saves you going to the doctor.” He said as you smiled and nodded.

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