Stephen - Blood

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(Trigger warning! Blood and needles!)

This was all you knew, the constant pain. The needles always in your skin, the blood always been drawing.

You felt so weak, you cried out in pain as you saw a figure approaching you.

"Shh darling, I know. I'm so sorry we have to do this to you." He whispered, you looked up to see Dr. Ray. Yes he worked for Hydra, but he was the only kind thing you'd ever known. You had a muzzle over your mouth to make sure you never spoke. He ran his hand through your hair as you whimpered in pain.

"I know sweetie, you just need to stay strong for me okay?" He said as you slowly nodded.

Hydra always kept you restrained on this bed, kept injecting you with things while they endlessly drew your blood. Ray told you that your blood was the key to Hydra, whatever that meant.

You liked to think Ray was being forced to be here as well, you hoped he didn't enjoy hurting you.

"How is she doing?" You heard another voice say, you looked over to see Pierce entering.

"She's doing well sir, still going nice and strong for us." He said as you whined and tried to move but the weakness in your body and the restraints stopped you.

"It's alright dear." Ray reassured you as you nodded and looked back at Pierce.

"She really likes you doesn't she? I need you to draw more of her blood today, our agents are going on a big mission and will need it." Pierce said, you wanted to disagree or fight. But it would just make it worse.

"Of course sir." Ray replied before Pierce left. Ray looked down at you and smiled.

"I'm sorry angel, you'll be okay." He whispered pulling out a needle and attaching it to your arm then to a machine. You cried out and tried to pull away your arm but you couldn't.

"I know, I'm sorry I have to do this." He whispered running his fingers through your hair again. You relaxed and closed your eyes, already feeling weaker.

"Just go to sleep angel, escape to your dreams."

You woke up a few hours later seeing the machine still drawing your blood. Suddenly sparks appeared from nowhere in front of you and a portal of some sort opened. A man in a red cape stepped through as you hazily looked at him.

"Shoot, wrong spell." He muttered before looking up at you.

"This...doesn't look like a regular hospital." He muttered looking around the place. You cried out to him and reached your hand out as he came closer. He looked at the machine and read the numbers.

"That can't be right, if they drew that from someone they would be dead." He whispered before looking back down at you. He looked at your muzzle to see a Hydra symbol.

"Alright, that can't be good." He muttered before using his magic to break the restraints on your wrists and ankles.

"It's okay, I'll get you out of here. I have friends that can help." He whispered slowly taking out the needle and picking you up.

Could this be real? Someone was actually rescuing you from this hell?

He brought you through the portal and into a new place where there were books around. He found a couch and gently placed you down before pulling out a phone.

"Tony, I have someone that needs medical attention. No, she can't go to a normal hospital. Just let me take her to you." He growled into the phone as you watched him.

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