Loki - Doubt

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(Drift away from Steven universe is just hitting me right at the moment. Everyone's gone on without you? Yeah that shit hits hard)

"Loki!" You screamed as guards dragged you closer to the bifrost.

"Y/N! I demand you let her go!" Loki screamed as Thor held him back.

"This is for your own good Loki." Odin said as you began to cry.

"Stop please!" You shouted as Odin glared at you.

"I banish you Y/N L/N!" Odin said as you felt yourself being pulled away.

"Loki!" You screamed as you husbands face slowly faded away and you were banished from Asgard.

You hit the ground and groaned as you looked around to see yourself in an empty field. You went onto your knees and began to sob as you clutch at your heart.

"L-Loki." You whispered as you fell onto your side and cried and cried.

It was dark when you landed on the ground, the sun was now coming up, you had stayed and sobbed until the sun came up. You had your eyes closed and you were curled in a ball before you heard someone clear their throat. You looked up to see a tall man in dark clothes looking down at you.

"Mind telling me where you came from?" He asked as you scattered away from him. You looked up with red exhausted eyes.

"Go away." You grumbled.

"Unfortunately that's not an option." He said as you slowly stood up.

"W-Where am I?" You muttered as he chuckled.

"Utah, but by the looks of it you don't even know you're on earth." He said as you looked around.

"Midgard." You muttered.

"We need you to come with us so we can ask you a few questions." The man said as you sighed and nodded.

"Not like I have anything else to do." You whispered as you followed him to where he had landed a jet.

"Where are we going?" You asked as you followed him into the large jet.

"It's called New York City." He said as you nodded.

You sat waiting in an interrogation room as you thought of Loki. You managed to fight back your tears as you looked down at your hands.

"So, name, where you're from and why you're here?" He asked as you sighed.

"Y/N, Asgard and I was banished." You said as he grumbled and looked down at a tablet in his hand.

"Asgard, like from mythology?" He asked as you nodded.

"Midgard used to know about Asgard. But eventually it just became myth. It's always existed." You said as he nodded and sat down.

"So why were you banished?" He asked as you looked away from him.

"There were a lot of reasons, none of which were my fault." You said as he scoffed.

"That's what every criminal says." He said as you sighed.

"My husbands parents, they didn't think I was suited for him, I couldn't bare a child either and I wasn't exactly a model citizen. So they banished me, a-and now I'll never see him again." You whispered as you quickly wiped your tears away.

"Seems like a harsh punishment." He said as you nodded.

"I truly don't mean any harm, I-I don't know anything about Midgard. I don't know the people, I don't know how I'll live." You whispered as he chuckled.

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