Steve - PTSD

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(Okay so the origin of the story is a little weird. I dreamt about the new buzz lightyear, the one that Chris evans voices. And i dreamt he had a wife and he had bad PTSD and his wife was helping him through it. It was weird but really sweet and emotional. Also i have PTSD so it's sometimes nice to see it in heroes and realise even with it you still mean something. Also no one talks about how much PTSD Steve actually would have.)

You lay beside your husband Steve, you were only just starting to fall asleep when you heard him begin to toss and turn in his sleep. You woke up fully and looked over to see he was sweating and mumbling. His nightmares had been getting worse and worse.

"Steve, it's okay. It's not real." You whispered placing your hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry Peggy." He whispered as you shook him a little. He jolted awake and sat up straight as you backed away a little.

"It's okay, it was just a nightmare. You're here with me, Y/N." You said reaching out to hold onto his hand. He didn't say a word before he began breaking down in tears. It broke your heart to see him struggling so much.
He squeezed your hand and pulled you closer to him, he fell onto your chest and wrapped his arms around you. You cradled him in your arms and ran your hand over his back as he cried.

"I'm right here darling." You whispered letting him cry, holding onto him and letting him know he was safe in your arms.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He cried out as you hugged him even tighter.

"You have nothing to apologise for Steve. You're safe, I promise. I won't go anywhere." You whispered in response as he nodded.
Sometimes it hurt when he would talk about Peggy, but you knew that it was normal. You had both loved others in the past, his just ended so terribly You knew he was still hanging onto a lot of that pain.
You gently laid back so you were both laying down, Steve's head on your chest as you gently an your hand through his hair and let him slowly fall back to sleep.

You woke up again at 8am to see Steve up and getting ready.

"Morning." You muttered as he smiled and walked over to you, leaning over the bed to kiss you softly.

"Good morning. I'm sorry about last night." He whispered, his smile faltering. You reached up and kissed him again.

"You never have to apologise for nightmares or PTSD episodes darling. I will never blame you for it." You reassured him making him smile a little.

"I love you so much." He whispered kissing your forehead softly. He pulled away and continued to get ready for the day. You knew he would've gone for a run much earlier.

"We have a team meeting with Fury today, will you be up for it?" You asked slowly getting out of bed and stumbling to your closet.

"Yeah, I might be a bit sensitive but I know you'll be by my side." He whispered coming behind you and wrapping his arms around you.

"I'm always going to be by your side." You replied turning your head to kiss him again.

"Now move I need to get ready." You said making him chuckle and move away from you.

"Did you get enough sleep?" Steve asked as you got into your usual day clothes.

"Yeah I did. I should be more worried about you. Did you get enough sleep?" You asked as he smiled a little.

"It'll keep me going for the day, there's always coffee, or if I'm really desperate I can have Thor strike me with lightning." Steve joked making you chuckle lightly.

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