Nastash - Infected

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This hell hole was everyday life for Natasha and Clint now. It was the year 2025.
All of the other Avengers were long gone, well they were zombies and then Natasha and Clint killed them. This wasn't exactly a happy story.
Nat and Clint had been walking for twelve hours now, they finally found a small cottage out long a riverside.

"This will be enough for us to stay for a few days before we move again." Clint muttered as Natasha nodded and kicked in the small wooden door.

"This place better have a bed and food. I'm starving and exhausted." Nat muttered as they made their way into the small cottage.

"Who's on first shift?" Clint asked as Nat smiled a little.

"Go rest, you need it more than me. I'll look for some food and water." Nat said as Clint sighed in relief. He hadn't slept in 50 hours.

"Thank you so much." Clint muttered pulling off his boots and stumbling into the small bedroom before he collapsed onto the bed.
Nat opened the kitchen cupboard to see about 100 cans of food as she smiled.

"The world is on our side for once." She muttered gathering a few cans. She closed the cupboard with a bit of force and something slid off the top and hit her on the head. She put all of the cans down and looked down at the floor to see a small leather bound book tied up with string, she cautiously picked it up and opened it to the first page.

"This book belongs to Y/N." She muttered reading the neat and colourful writing on the first page. She flicked to the next page to see a diary entry.

"5th of November 2021." She muttered looking at the neat cursive writing.

"Today i moved into my new cottage, i finally moved out of my parents house. I feel like today is the beginning of something new for me, i love it out here. It's so quiet and peaceful. I feel like i can finally take time away from the world and not be bothered. I left all of my problems in the city. Today is the beginning of a new chapter." Natasha read out loud, she placed the book on the dining table and began cooking up some of the canned food. Deciding she would go back to the diary later.

Nat woke Clint up three hours later.

"I made some soup and whatever slop i could find in the cupboard." Nat muttered as Clint slowly woke up.

"Argh, thanks for waking me. I was dreaming we weren't in hell." Clint mumbled slowly getting out of the bed.

"Yeah well you can go back to it later." Nat replied leading Clint into the kitchen where two bowls of hot canned soup sat on the table. Clint sat down and looked at the book beside Nat's bowl.

"What's that?" Clint asked gesturing to the book as Nat smiled a little.

"It must be the diary of the girl that used to live here. I've been reading it all afternoon, she started out really happy and free. But she slowly became more paranoid and afraid. I'm not even half way through, i can already tell she's heading for a dark place. I wonder what happened to her." Nat muttered running her hand over the brown leather.

"Sounds like you got yourself one hell of a book there. She was probably stuck here after the spread of the zombie virus. She probably just ran out of food or got eaten." Clint muttered scoffing down the soup as Nat frowned a little.

"Well, i guess we'll find out more the more i read."

After they had eaten Clint had let Nat get some sleep. She couldn't help but let her mind wander to the owner of the diary.
What happened to her?
Four hours later Nat was awoken by Clint shaking her awake.

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