Stucky/Reader - Possession

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(Trigger warning. Nsfw, sexual scenes, talk of rape, it's kinda messed up so just be careful. I know this one is a little odd, it just helps me to write about things like this and give it a happy ending, I know it sounds weird. Writing is my coping mechanism)

His hands roaming your body, his lips kissing your bare bruised skin, his mouth whispering small praises as he uses your body for his pleasure.

You lay beside him heaving softly as he wrapped his arm around your bare body.

"Deep breaths." He whispered softly kissing your ear. All that mattered was that he was happy, he was pleased.

"D-Did I do well?" You whispered closing your eyes, afraid of that answer to leave his lips.

"My darling you did amazing, so amazing." He whispered as your lips curled into a smile. You did it, you had pleased him and made him happy.

"My good girl." He whispered running his hands over the bruises and marks he had left on you.

"Thank you Master." You whispered as you curled into his embrace and smiled softly. He chuckled and kissed your forehead before you fell into a deep peaceful sleep.

You grumbled softly as you stretched your rested body. Your Master, Ezekiel must have let you sleep in today after last night. You got dressed into your day clothes and made your way downstairs. You lived in Ezekiel's massive mansion in the woods, you had been here for years now. You belonged to him, that meant you did everything he said. You knew all to well what happened if you didn't do what he said. You saw Ezekiel in the kitchen making breakfast as you smiled to yourself.

"Good morning Sir." You said as he turned around and smiled.

"Ah there you are little one." He exclaimed as he turned around with a plate of pancakes.

"Thank you so much Master, what's the occasion?" You asked as he chuckled and kissed your forehead while you took the plate.

"Well darling, you were very good for me last night. You took your punishment well and then pleased me very much. I thought I should repay the favour and cook you your favourite." He said as you nodded and smiled. You sat down at the table and waited patiently for him to finish and sit across from you.

"I have two very important men coming to stay for a few days, they are very wealthy men and they need a place to stay while we conduct business. I expect you to be on your best behaviour little one, anything they need you give to them. That doesn't include pleasure, that's saved for me." He said smirking as you nodded.

"May I know their names?" You asked politely as you began to eat.

"James Barnes, but he goes by Bucky and Steve Rogers. You'll address them as Mr. Barnes and Mr. Rogers or Sir. Understood?" He asked as you nodded.

"Of course Sir." You replied as he smiled.

"They'll be here in two hours so once you're done eating go prepare two guest rooms for them, make sure the bathrooms are clean, there's enough towels, make sure to cover up those bruises and then report back to me once you've finished." Ezekiel gave you your orders as you nodded.

"Good girl." Your master praised making you blush a little. You finished off your breakfast and got started on the guest rooms. You were still sore from last night, you had disobeyed him so he punished you and after he used your body so you were sore for both reasons. You always came out with bruises, especially if he got his anger out of you.

You hissed lightly as you bent over and held onto your ribs, he had gripped you a little too hard.

You finished the rooms and bathrooms as you made your way back to Ezekiel's and your room to find your make up as you began covering up the bruises on your face.

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