Venom/Eddie - Lab

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Run, run, keeping running. Do not stop or they will catch you. Your dirty hair blowing behind you, your pale grey skin covered with sweat, your black eyes darting for anywhere safe to hide, there were screams and gasps as you ran down the street. You looked like a monster, your horns and black wings just made you look even more like a monster. But you weren't, you were innocent.

"Fucking catch her!" A man yelled as you looked behind you to see at least five men chasing you. Tears streamed down your dirty bruised face. Suddenly you heard a roar of some kind and looked behind you to see a terrifying black monster. (Riot)

It was too fast for you it was quickly catching up. You screamed loudly before it grabbed you and threw you to the ground.

"No!" You screamed as his gross tendril skin wrapped around you.

"Stop! Please!" You screamed before the world turned black.

You groaned and woke up to see yourself in a little glass prison of sorts, you were laid on a cozy little bed as you looked up and saw a lot of people in lab coats looking back at you and writing things down. You huddled into the corner and wrapped your wings around yourself.

"Aren't you a peculiar creature." You heard a voice say as you looked up to see a dark haired man looking at you, he wasn't in a lab coat.

"Sorry my friend roughed you up a bit back there, see he's an alien just like you." He said as he held up his hand and the same blank tendrils wrapped around his hand as you hid yourself.

"No need to be afraid, you're in the safest place in the world." He said as you peaked at him from behind your wings.

"Are you hungry?" He asked as you nodded slowly.

"Dr. Skirth, give her some food." He instructed as a woman entered and placed a bowl of porridge at your feet.

"That's Dr. Skirth and I'm Carlton Drake. No one here is going to hurt you I assure you that." He said as you gently reached down and held the bowl in your hands. You slowly began eating the warm porridge as you looked out at all the doctors.

"Why don't you all leave us and let me have a word with her?" Carlton said to the other doctors as they all left leaving just him.

"Does that make you feel more comfortable?" He asked as you nodded a little.

"Do you have a name?" He asked as you wiped your mouth.

"Y/N." You muttered as he smiled and nodded. You finished off the porridge and placed the bowl back on the floor.

"W-Why do you have an alien inside you?" You asked making him chuckle.

"Well, we found very interesting aliens from their planet. We found out they needed a host in order to survive, so I offered my body to him." You said as you listened and nodded.

"What planet are you from?" He asked as you wrapped your arms around your knees and hugged them to your chest.

"Neramow." You muttered as he looked at you with interest.

"Interesting, I've never heard of it." He muttered as he pulled out a tablet.

"I-It's not in earth's solar system." You replied softly.

"How did you end up on earth?" He asked as you looked away from him.

"I-I don't remember." You muttered.

"It's not wise to lie to me." He said as you coward away from him.

"M-My planet was attacked, I-I was taken by these other beings. They tortured me for a while but I finally escaped and I came to earth." You whispered as you cuddled into your wings.

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