Bucky - Hell

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(Involves twisted religious beliefs so beware. Trigger warning past sexual abuse. I wrote part of this over a year ago and decided to turn it into a fan fic. Should be interesting, hope you enjoy!)

I was at the feet of the angel, her beautiful wings casting a shadow over me. I begged her, I kept begging her for forgiveness and her help. She looked at me in disgust.

"I would never help a traitor like you." She hissed as tears streamed down my face.

"Please I didn't mean it." I cried. The wings on my back began turning from white to black, my eyes turning pitch black.

She looked at me in horror.

"No! Stay away, I won't let you make me fall!" She shouted as she ran away screaming. I cried and cried but she just kept running away.

"Please! Help me!" I screamed as the pain ran through my veins and bones. My wings turned to pure black as my body shook and I sobbed. I felt something touch my back as I looked behind me to see a demon.

"Help me, please." I whispered as he smiled kindly.

"An innocent soul cast away, because of one sin. They cast me out just like you, I know you didn't mean any of it. You were at the wrong place at the wrong time, that's all. Come with me dear, there's a place you can go, a place where you don't have to hide your true self." He whispered as I looked up into his dark eyes.

"I just want to be forgiven." I cried as he smiled and gently wiped away my tears.

"You will be forgiven, but not by the ones who hurt you. You'll be forgiven by your new people." He said as he gently picked up my shaking body.

"I'm sorry." I cried as he looked down at my pained face.

"Shh dear, everything is going to be ok." He whispered as he walked away from my home.

Why is it that every story about a demon, is never from a demons perspective? Their stories are always told by an angel.
Were demons ever truly the bad guys?

I had passed out in the strange mans arms.

"I've got another one!" I woke up hearing a voice yell as I looked up to see the same man from before was still carrying me in his arms.

"W-Where am I?" I whispered as he looked down at me and smiled.

"You're in hell." He replied as my eyes widened. I leapt out of his arms and backed away from him.

"Stay away vile demon!" I shouted as he smiled and crossed his arms watching me with amusement.

"Why do they always do this?" Another man muttered as I looked behind me to see a blonde haired man with black wings.

"Come Steve, you remember what it was like." The brunette man said as I looked around seeing large dark rock walls everywhere.

"Doll, I know you're afraid but I promise everything is okay." The brunette said as I looked at him in fear.

"My name is Bucky and that's Steve." He said as I shook my head and backed away from them.

"You vile demons captured me! You're going to corrupt me!" I shouted as Bucky chuckled and pointed at my wings, I looked at them to see they were completely black.

"N-No, y-you did this to me didn't you?" I whispered running my hands over my wings.

"No, we don't have the power to do that. I was up in heaven for 'business' and I found you there about to fall. You were changing into a demon probably because of one silly sin. So I saved you the pain of falling and took you here." Bucky said as I felt tears in my eyes.

"News flash kid, angels aren't the good guys." Steve said as I looked behind at him.

"B-But, you all do terrible things. You kill people and corrupt people, a-angels save people." I whispered trying to wrap my head around the concept.

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